Advice please...


New Member

I'm wondering if somebody could provide a little advice.
This is my first grow, basically just to see if I can put what I've read into practice. Its a bargain basement setup; 5 Super Iced Grapefruit seeds, cheap 4x4 tent, carbon filter, 6" out take, couple of fans to move air around, 600w HPS dual spectrum bulb, couple of home made DWC tubs made out of 25ltr storage boxes. Using Canna A+B aqua, plant magic root stim and plant magic Mag/Cal.
The problem I've got, or think I've got, is that the plants are very short. 1 of them died early on, another is just about clinging on (I would bin it but I feel kinda bad given its struggle so far) and the other 3 are thriving.
There's a picture of how they looked when they first went in the tent on the 19th Nov (all lanky and terrible) and one from this week (looking all short and bushy).
I don't plan to flip them until the new year but can anyone give me advice as to what to do in the mean time to keep the bushiness under control.
Its hard to LST them as they're growing outwards rather than upwards anyway. (On a 24/0 schedule BTW)

20141119_111103.jpg 20141217_112559.jpg

ol hippy

Well-Known Member
Don't worry they'll get bigger !! Indicas are more bushy to begin with once you can top the main stem you'll get two top each again and you get 4 main stems ..after that just watch them grow !! Just my .02 !!! Peace and happy holidays !!


New Member
Thanks for the reply. I was beginning to worry that when I clone them I'd end up with a field of green rather than a Sea.
When would you recommend topping them? I want to aim for 4 mains so just top it once? I think there's about 6 nodes now, all packed quite tight. I plan to flip in the first week of Jan if that helps