Advice required

I've been on a learning curve with my 1st grow but hopefully, with the help of forums like this, and youtube lol, I'll get to grips with it and have the knowledge next time round.

Yes, I have made a few cock ups this time at the beginning. PH levels, to start with, where far too high and I think they got a bit overfed. The girls where not the size or colour I was hoping for after 5 weeks of veg! Quickly rectified this and they started coming on slowly. My light also I don't think done any favours to be honest!

I've got a pretty decent grow area. 9'x9'x7'. 600HPS, reflective foil in whole area, 6" ex fan. I think I need more light in an area like this, would that be correct?

I started of with 11 plants, 5 Pineapple exp and 6 Chronic. Sorry to say I lost 3 of them within the 1st 3 weeks. I'm growing in 5gal pots, soil and with iguana grow and flower nutes.

Another mistake I made was not giving the soil any perlite....i think the roots havent been able to breath and grow as quickly (please correct me if I'm wrong in any of this folks, much appreciated for next time around). Also during veg i was using the 600wHPS. I bought myself a 125w eco-light and used that for the last 4 weeks. I am now 2 weeks into flower after 9 weeks of veg, and will post the pics soon. They are looking alot better now and have attempted super cropping and bending with most of the plants.

Any pointers from anyone would be great. I hope I'm back on track. Still unsure as to the color of some plants, any ideas? Would do you think all the ladies will be fine and still pull a good yield?

TY all, GHA



Well-Known Member
Your babies look a lot better than mine! I effed up and fed them nutrients the first week then found out after the FFOF has enough to sustain them for a little.. now im not sure if mine are going to be able to grow a decent yield.
It was a battle to even save most of them couch. I should be nearly into harvest now. Been learning a lot each week but still wanna be sure I'm not repeating any mistakes I may be doing. I havent been happy with their colour the whole grow, well bar two of them. How long you been in veg for?


Well-Known Member
I am 2 weeks into veg right now with 2 of my plants and 1 week with 4 newer clones.. but I put the light too close and burnt them to holy hell. I didn't realize changing from flourescents at the dispensary to 400 MH needed some transitioning... but hey thats what being a new grower is about.. fuckin up and spendin a lot of money to fix :D.
Again there's another thing I've just learnt, about the transiton of light. Thanking you :D. I don't 'think' Ive burnt any of them via my light, but think I over-nuted them early on. Just hope I'm still doing the right thing at this time.

"fuckin up and spendin a lot of money to fix"

Hit the nail on the head there my friend :P.


Well-Known Member
Do you mind sharing how often you water? I find that under the 400 at 24/0 my soil drys out in a day I am using 1 gallon pots for two plants and 4 party cups.
I have been watering every 3 days on average approx 750 mls per plant. Are you watering enough so the water is coming out of hole in bottom of the pot? Seems very fast for them to dry out in 1 day. especially the one's in pots.


Well-Known Member
I believe I was watering them wrong to begin with, yesturday I did 1/4 the ammount of suggested nutes and I took them to the bathroom and watered them until it was comin out the bottom. But before that not even a drop came out the bottom.
should always make sure you have drips coming out the bottom mate so the soil is damp right through then. 1/4 of nutes is good idea though. see how they respond to that.