aerogarden and clones


hey there,
i just got myself an account less then 10 minutes ago solely for the purpose of reference and a little bit of how to. my question today is can an aerogarden deluxe be used as an easy cloner, and if so how. also, are hormones gels and powders necessary when cloning in an aerogarden seeing that it might just wash off. i also heard that if u are able to mist water on to the clones stem it will grow roots. also, the aerogarden comes with full spectrum cfls, can i use these for both veg and flow stages or should i just get some 6000k and 2700k bubls? im a new grower, although i have grown plants in the past when i was younger, but that was no more then sticking a germinated seed in some dirt. i have done copious amounts of research aswell but cant find anything that get this specific. as of now i have 8 potted plants that will be 2 weeks old tomorrow. the dominant one has already grown nearly five nodes and is very healthy. any help is highly appreciated.



Active Member
hey there,
i just got myself an account less then 10 minutes ago solely for the purpose of reference and a little bit of how to. my question today is can an aerogarden deluxe be used as an easy cloner, and if so how. also, are hormones gels and powders necessary when cloning in an aerogarden seeing that it might just wash off. i also heard that if u are able to mist water on to the clones stem it will grow roots. also, the aerogarden comes with full spectrum cfls, can i use these for both veg and flow stages or should i just get some 6000k and 2700k bubls? im a new grower, although i have grown plants in the past when i was younger, but that was no more then sticking a germinated seed in some dirt. i have done copious amounts of research aswell but cant find anything that get this specific. as of now i have 8 potted plants that will be 2 weeks old tomorrow. the dominant one has already grown nearly five nodes and is very healthy. any help is highly appreciated.


I have been using my Aerogarden specifically for clones for the past year or so.
Right now I've got 6 lil clones that just sprouted roots in there!
First off you have to purchase the master or deluxe gardeners kit (for the AG) which comes with the breakaway baskets and grow sponges so it is easier to transplant (you just plant the clone with roots in the sponge directly in your soil) when they're ready.
I use a little rooting powder and that's it. After they grow a substantial amount of roots it's time to transplant. I usually let them grow a decent amount of roots and give them a dose of Ferts before transplanting, but you don't want to wait too long cuz the roots will get tangled up and it'll be hard to separate them.

You can flower right in the AG (I have) but if you want more yield and bigger buds you'll have to supplement them with more light (ie. cfl's, hps or mh).

Any more ???'s hit me up...



thanks man real helpful... seems like its not too challenging. do transplant to soiled pots afterwards or do u prefer an alternative method? im more or less brand new to this method


Active Member
I just transplanted 6 clones out of my aero yesterday. I use a good high quality organic soil which I add some perlite and bone meal to.
Like I said don't wait too long otherwise those roots will be hard to separate, I may have waited a little too long cuz the roots were long and tangled. I was able to separate them but not without a little damage. Good Luck, dude!


Well-Known Member

I have been using my Aerogarden specifically for clones for the past year or so.
Right now I've got 6 lil clones that just sprouted roots in there!
First off you have to purchase the master or deluxe gardeners kit (for the AG) which comes with the breakaway baskets and grow sponges so it is easier to transplant (you just plant the clone with roots in the sponge directly in your soil) when they're ready.
I use a little rooting powder and that's it. After they grow a substantial amount of roots it's time to transplant. I usually let them grow a decent amount of roots and give them a dose of Ferts before transplanting, but you don't want to wait too long cuz the roots will get tangled up and it'll be hard to separate them.

You can flower right in the AG (I have) but if you want more yield and bigger buds you'll have to supplement them with more light (ie. cfl's, hps or mh).

Any more ???'s hit me up...

You can clone and grow in an A/G with their cages and inerts but I like to clone with a tall food to go box, little rock wool cubes and my A/G. Once you've got roots you can compress the rock wool to fit into your planting deck and grow them to your heart's content. Try it.