Aerogarden Start Experienced People Please Help.


Active Member
Hey huys I am truly a beginner to growing my own weed and I really need help with some basic things. I got 10 good seeds and an aerogrow, and I now need help getting started. How many seeds should I place in each cup or should I put them all in one? If you guys could help and tell me exactly what yall did with yalls aerogrow it would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
yo big dog you need to get your read on b4 you can step into this game. put seeds in papertowel and germ them for a day, then put them in the AG. put the lil domes over them till u see them pop up. check on them regularly cuz the grow down sometimes. thats just the begging. like i said you gots lots or reading to do big guy


Active Member
Ok thats why I ask around Im not going to begin anything until I no everything there is to no. I no have learned alot though. But I have a question ... will the plantsa get to tall for the aerogarden cuz I notice they do get really really tall. How do I avoid this?


Well-Known Member
well i detached my AG hood and hung it above my plants, if you flower early enough they will be shorter


Well-Known Member
And how would I go about flowering early enough.?
dude start here.

dont start one seed till you have atleast read the following links.

first thing to know The Golden Rule. very important.


3 Grow methods and mediums

4 Water, nutrients and addative

listen man you can throw all your seeds in now and if your lucky you might come up with one that survives, and thats just the germination process. if you make it to veg stage without any research you will definitely kill it before flower. with that said read the above post all the way through and i guarantee you will have a much better experince, and you just might not give up before your first harvest. but beware bacause after the first harvest most dont turn back. Buhhahaahhahhaa

if your two god damn anxious to wait till you have read, start three of them. dont waste all your seeds. start slow then mmove up slowly.


Active Member
ok dude thanks so much. but do i plant one at a time? is it only one seeds that generally starts of those talls plants?


Active Member
Yea, dude has no idea just how much info is on this site, just gotta the way is there any way to delete threads?????

Its easy, Just don't play with the plants, touching em.....smoking ciggs around em.....treat them nicely and they will trat u nicely. What model AG do you have??


Active Member
Mine worked awsome till the wifey found it....thought the she was gonna kill me fo real! Damm I miss those little buggers already! The gov should ban catnip and make pot legal! Them cats might get a hold a frying pan and hurt someone on that stuff.....


Active Member
The healthiest one I had Was accually started in the ag and not a towel.....You don't really need to buy special water. You can get Liquid that takes out clorine and cloramine at the pet store! DO NOT GET ANYTHING WITH A PH BUFFER. It will balance your PH to 7 BAD!!!! You want acidic water...b/w 5 and 6 PH.....The nutes that can with it lower the ph of tap water also. I have tropical fish so I just used thier old water which i filter back through carbon, they loved that stuff. Oh yea and stoners love fish and fish love stoners! Tropical fish keeping skills are very useful in gardening due to water knowledge! Thats where my expertise is, besides I had three very healthy males and a herme,.....using crappy old pot seeds.


Active Member
The healthiest one I had Was accually started in the ag and not a towel.....You don't really need to buy special water. You can get Liquid that takes out clorine and cloramine at the pet store! DO NOT GET ANYTHING WITH A PH BUFFER. It will balance your PH to 7 BAD!!!! You want acidic water...b/w 5 and 6 PH.....The nutes that can with it lower the ph of tap water also. I have tropical fish so I just used thier old water which i filter back through carbon, they loved that stuff. Oh yea and stoners love fish and fish love stoners! Tropical fish keeping skills are very useful in gardening due to water knowledge! Thats where my expertise is, besides I had three very healthy males and a herme,.....using crappy old pot seeds.
Thanks for the info bro but I have a delux aerogarden I purchased off ebay but Im not going to use it I like the concept of an ebb and flow much better so thats what Im going to use. And you got into great detail about the water. Is it ok if I just use spring water I heard it didnt make a difference... all the advice is greatly appreciated. Im learning so much Ill just have to put all the info together now.