Aeroponic auto grow (newbie thread)


Greetings, bongsmilie

I am new at growing indoor (done a couple of outdoor grows), and wanted to give aeroponics a try - for most potential yield, thc, flavor, etc.

I need help with basically any unwanted/surprising situation etc. Last week i tried with another set of autos, and they died - probably because I used rootbooster in the germination water - bad idea i suppose.

This is my setup:

Aerofarm 3 (5cm Ø)

600W Ballast Control Gear Easy
600W Sonlight Agro (for veg/bloom)
COOL TUBE - Shade Reflector

Air controle:
2x 137m2 for intake and exhaust. (blauberg turbo)
1x Carbon filter for the exhaust.
1x 10 cm fan for air circulation.

Cellmax MegaPack (Rootbooster, P+K booster, Super Enzymes, Hydro Grow X+Y, Hydro Bloom X+Y, PH-)
Reverse osmosis system
Microscope 50x
Measurings tools
PH measurement tools
Micro Air propagator
Timer for aerofarm + lightning
ADWA AD31 EC/TDS/C reader
Temperature and humidity unit
Some clay pebbles

The closet:
Has been sealed with rubber listings and pressure locks all around, so no smell/light emits.

Current problems/thoughts:

1. First off, what should my optimal ppm value be, and how do i controle/regulate it? (and is this the best way to read the EC at all?

2. What should be in my water, starting off? I have kept the PH at around between 5.5-6.0 (our PH indicator only has 0.5 intervals)

3. How do i propagate the seeds? Since it failed the first time, with putting the seeds directly in rockwool cubes with 6ml rootbooster/L and a PH level of 5.5 something must've gone wrong. Which is the best way to do so? And what about the rockwool cubes, theyre soaked in this mixture now. Should i use them for my cherry bombs, or should i replace them?

4. Also - for how long time should my seeds germinate before using rootbooster - and when can i transfer them from a cup of water (if this is how they should be propagated correctly) into the air propagator (also should the lid be open or closed? And what are the most optimal conditions for this? (Light/dark, temperature, etc.) And finally when should i transfer them from the propagator and into the Aerofarm system?

5. Ive read many places that the right way to time the pump is intervals of 1/4 (on/off). My two current timers only have 15 min intervals - is this optimal or should i purchase a digital timer? I only want this option if it optimizes my grow.

6. Any thoughts on how to sound proof the vents without slowing them down? Theyre quite loud right now, especially when everything is running (the pump, air ventilator + the two exhausts)

7. Is this enough to keep the temperature optimal? My room temperature is around 25.5 degrees at all times, and the size of the closet is about 5.25m2. The vents should be enough for replacing the air 26 times an hour.

And finally:
I hope that this isn't too much to ask for, although it's quite a bunch of questions. Im new at growing inside, and want every condition to be as good as they can get, for maximum yield and potency. I will continuously update this thread, probably once or twice a day, if needed - with the problems I'm facing, unpredicted situations and so forth. Also i'll keep all of you updated in my grow and how everything goes as well.

Chocoholic :weed:10608964_467946876675551_1729749865_n.jpg 10588518_467946963342209_1186047581_n.jpg10601259_467947016675537_372474676_n.jpg


Well-Known Member
Fuck me dude !! That's a lot of questions. Put your rock wool cubes in phd water for twenty four hours and then shake the excess water off them. Put a seed in about 1.5cm deep and keep it dark and warm moist and it'll sprout. Don't feed it anything until it has six sets of leaves. Super thrive only if you insist on feeding anything at all. Aeroponics require nothing added until vegging is in swing. FACT.

pH, Ppm and e.c. Are essential. Can't miss it or skip it. No forgiveness if you get it wrong either. That's why I grow in coco.


Well-Known Member
Over 25c And photosynthesis slows down In flower 30 is good because the plant shits itself thinking it's gonna dry out before it's pollenAted so it produces more resin. (Top tip, you're welcome)

Noise wise, not really much you can do. Buddy of mine has his bubblers on car sponges to stop vibration


So you'd prefer sprouting them in the cubes, rather than in water.. Alright. How tall should the plants be before placing them in the aerofarm 3 system, and do you have any thoughts about what my optimum ug and ppm value should be, right now? Also how about the timer for the water pump. Good enough or?


Well-Known Member
Rockwool is your best bet.

Ppm and that stuff isn't my area so no advise there from me.

You got a propogator ? If not you need one or something similar to germ with.

Soak seeds in water for 12 hours. Ones that sink with a push are most viable. Put those seeds in a rockwool cube and keep it dark, warm and moist. Once you have the tap root showing out the bottom place it in you aerofarm


Well-Known Member
ONLY WATER. lol. Nutrient maniac you!

Seriously. Just h2o. Root boost is better for clones. Super thrive when your tap root is showing will ease transplant shock. It's the dogs bollox matey