Aeroponic cloning problems


Well-Known Member
Yeah it plugs in, theres a UV bulb inside and you need a pump to circulate the water, not sure how its going to work since I got my ressy temps down I probably wont have a problem in the first place.
Sounds like it is a good thing to have in any case. Ive seen where guys will but a uv bulb on top of their Res. 30 bucks huh? Might have to order on for my RDWC.


Active Member
84 is a little warm, but as long as the rootzone, not just the reservoir is under 68F it would probably do great.


Well-Known Member
I agree, 84 is getting a bit warmer but not out of range. But I'd imagine that
if ambient is 84, the reservoir is not far off unless other precautions have been taken
to fight off that heat or it's in another room.


Well-Known Member
If your temperatures are 79-82 root rot is almost inevitable, and rot will be a very quick way to lose
your entire crop.

Things you can do to help lower reservoir temperatures:
-Lower room ambient temperaturer (assuming they're higher as the res shouldn't be that much different from ambient)
-Use a fan to run over your reservoir water
-Insulate your system and reservoir with reflectix or something similar
-Use frozen water bottles to set inside your res to lower temps (pain in the ass, but effective)
-Water chiller (easiest/most effective but costliest by far)

There are also addatives which can help you clean things up from rot as well:
-Hygrozyme will help break down waste in your reservoir for the plants to use easier
-h2o2 will help things whiten up and clean up as well, don't use too much. Also don't use
this if you're using beneficial organisms in your reservoir as it will kill them off. But chances
are there are no beneficial organisms if you're facing root rot.
Sounds good hey Im going to get an ac unit will that fuck up my humidity? If so what do I do to keep the humid between 40-60%? Thanks alot guys.
I'm requesting help with a parasidic problem.-----------I just pulled some sort of jelly mass off two of my recently added clone cuttings..., from my aeroponic cloner! The mass looked (under a 30X scope) suspisiously like egg sacs joined together and stuck to the stem. I scraped them off and they also had a tiny thread anchoring the mass to the stem! What the hell is it? I'm sure cleaning the unit with bleach will rid me of the problem..., but I wish I knew what the problem was. BTW - I wonder if the H202 trick will keep this from happing again?


Well-Known Member
I recently setup a fogger cloner and am having very great results with it, roots showing in just 4/5 days
and should be ready for transplant in 10.

I was using an aero cloner before but got tired of fighting leaks, as well as up to 14/16 days
before transplant.

Just rooting powder, ro water, aeration, a fogger, and rubbermaid tub.
With an adequate pump for the ez-clone spray heads you can run you delivery spray bar along the top of the lid pointing down. I find it works better with a seperate rez as you get bounce back off the bottom of the tote and the biggest bbonus NEVER a leak! I run my pump 24/7 under 4 23w CFL in the 6500k range. Roots in 5 to 7 days, 100 precent sucess rate here.

I also think it depends on the cuts you take. I saw a guy taking fan leaves as cuts and then wondering why he couldn't get them to root.


Well-Known Member
If my resv is cold should I worry about the room temp at 84 F?
Thanks guys for helping I figured out the problem, it was the heat but it wasnt the main factor I never had an exhaust for the heat and air and the clones hated that stayle air especillay if it is hot they can take the heat but only with an exhaust fan thanks guys