Afghan Kush Grow


Active Member
K well i got 3 seeds from a bag of weed. Know the guy who grew it so i know its afghan kush. Gettin soil this friday so ima start germinating tomorrow. Ill post what kind of soil i use. the lighting im using is 4 43 watt cfls that emit 2500 lumens each. the reflector i made myself and is around a square foot in size. so 10 000 lumens for a sq. ft. i have 2 computer fans that im goin to put in a box n tin foil. done 2 grows of my own n helped with a couple of friends. last grow i used a 43 45 n 2 23,s only vegged for 3 weeks n flowered for 2 months n got bout an oz. plan on vegging this plant for a month and a half n flowering till the crystal is changing. only germinating 1 seed so hopefully it will b a girl. havent gotten a male yet so i hope i dont start now haha. thinkin bout planting one outside as well when the weather gets a bit better. heres a pic of the seeds. peace :bigjoint:



Active Member
Just start germinating a seed this morning. looked at the box for the lights n its actually 2600 lumens soo exttra 100 i didnt notice haha, here a pic of the seed n a pic of the light.
peace out :bigjoint:



Active Member
k well im back again, first seed didnt work so i just waited a lil. germinated 2 and they worked. have them planted and both are above the soil already, the one seedling is out of its shell. ill get pics up when they open. peace.