I ment unintentional. Stupid plants get agrivating I just dunno sonetimes
Here's picsThanks budget I got another pic here ever u can see 5 plants from a bit further away!!! I've taken a pic of a pot aswel to see if any1 thinks these pits are big enough there 8 inches deep do I only have to flush once then? Wait a day then start a proper food the next day on say a half nute then work my way up?
I have asked and they simply don't know I've tried to ask people in hydro but no1 wanted to help the newbie forum seems to be most helpful. The advice was all sorts from checking ph constantly raising the light checking humidity checking nute content the ec adding nitrogen everything was ok!!! They mentiond flushin as a last resort!!! I've followed the nute guide to the tee so they shud definitely not be over fed!!! Superthrive was added to boost them along!!!! I've read everything I can find to the point of my mrs moanin I'm constantly in my "den" or on the iPad I'm jot coming here bein lazy I'm jus skin adviceskin advicePoint well taken.
And I don't "know the problem" I said it "looked like" the problem, according to the chart. And even cited where I found the info that corresponds to what his leaves look like.
The solution may be to add zinc, since it may perhaps be lacking from his nutrients, which he also failed to list. Except to cite that he's LOWERING how much he's putting in there. So perhaps that's where the zinc def has come from. However, if he looks up some of the causes of zinc deficiencies, he'll be more far better equipped then us to diagnose the issue.
And no, no animosity, I wasn't attacking your opinion, simply pointing out that it too often feels like the first suggested solution. Especially when he never listed what "all advice" actually means. Which also stands to reason... where did he get this advice? And why is he not in THAT thread asking the people who have already suggested idea's that don't work? It's like decoding half of a code and then starting from scratch with a whole new crew of people who have to start the diagnosis over again...
I thought I needed that to catch water run off???the catch tray at the bottom of the planter is not a good idea the roots don't like to sit in water they need to breath
Wat du reckon mate?When you flush its usually 3x the amount of water to each gallon pot size. So 5 gallon pot would be 15 gallons of water slowly poured through the soil without letting it run along the outside. After flush let it dry and slowly add nutes till its at the normal ratio.
the catch tray at the bottom of the planter is not a good idea the roots don't like to sit in water they need to breath
alittle passive aggressive much
I empty the tray every time I water the plants I feel the weight of the pot and tip the excess tray water into a bucket. Shud I water the plant until I see runoff? That's wat I've been advisedbut yes, most newbs ive seen love to leave that shizzle in there, then it develops a nasty film on the excess and becomes anaerobic. That's the first thing im usually pointing out, because a lot of people do it not realizing the consequences doing so..
Lol ok nice1!! I thort coco was the way everybody went but seems the complete opposite if I knew this before I wudv went soil!! Got a few seeds in ATM think in goin to go soil!!!!I have no exp with hydro.. I thought this was soil so basically disregard the majority of what i posted. Sorry bro
I empty the tray every time I water the plants I feel the weight of the pot and tip the excess tray water into a bucket. Shud I water the plant until I see runoff? That's wat I've been advised