after harvesting


Well-Known Member
im not even close to this step yet but i was wondering what exactly you do after your plant is ready to be harvested? i know you cut the buds off and put them somewhere to let them dry but thats about it. please help inform me


Well-Known Member
cut the leaves off and hang the buds by the base of the stems
let an osilating fan indirectly blow them
let this continue till the stems break, not bend
then put them in an airtight glass jar for the best part of a month
you gotta open the jar and toss the shit around so no mould grows
tosss it daily, and then you, my son will have killer weed


Well-Known Member
oh alright thanks i was just curious about how to dry it and so on
Check out the grow facts. What I do is trim the long leaves away from the buds.Get some damn good scissors for this. Check a hyponics store near you. Hang the branches to dry in a dark cool well ventillated space until the stems snap when bent, then put the buds in an airtight container in the fridge for two weeks, letting air in once a day and gently moving the buds to prevent mold. After two weeks, you got bank. What I want to know is what kind of airtight packaging you guys use to store it.


Well-Known Member
FAQ has some good advice & it's quite simple to follow.....Patrica's up on jar curing, pre harvest flushing (to remove nutes).................etc
Happy harvesting.......:):)


Well-Known Member
what if i use miracle grow potting mix and dont use nutes? or will it not grow well without them
most here will advise against time release nutes....Better to control feeding your self....It's easier to add them then remove them. Foxfarm, Scotts, these seem to be commonly used....the feeding in veg & flower stages are different and with the all purpose sort of pre nuted soils you're kind of stuck...and the straight MG soils aren't liked by all...I'm using a quality soil (not MG) mixed 50% with pro-mix for drainage...


Active Member
about how long does it take the the stems to dry out enough to break, a couple of days or longer.