after trying dyna gro im switching back to advanced nutrients 2 part


Well-Known Member
I don't spend much, if any time trying to convince people not to use whatever brand of nutrients they're using. Unlike some people. I just share my knowledge and experience with people when and where it seems relevant. You want to try Advanced Nutrients? Great. You don't? Fine, no skin off my nose.
What knowledge have you shared other than plugging specific products? How can one apply that 'knowledge' to their own grows should they be using a different plant food?

Just ask yourself, what has the more questionable motive: the guy who says "here's what I've used, what I've experienced, take it or leave it as you see fit" or the guy who seems to have a massive axe to grind with the first guy and spends an inordinate amount of time trying to tear down one particular brand of nutrients and promoting another?
So you're encouraging people to spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars on a grow and I'm saying one doesn't need to in order to get great results. Now I'm the shady one? :lol: I'd love to see a grow journal of yours, where are they?


New Member
no matter what you do the trolls just won't stay away. petty pathetic peole have nothing better to do. thought we had this thread cleaned up. sorry tree. looks like they got you again.


Well-Known Member
theres different threads for nutrient debates. give it a rest guys, tree has made his choice for nutrients. stop making claims about people working for nutrient companies, just because someone approves of the product they use doesnt mean they work for the companies.
and AN is the only company that tries to market to the pot heads really, there a select few but AN is one of them and due to that, they mark up their prices a bit(and im sorry but they do promise some things that their nutes, or any nutes simply cant acheive such as 400% larger yields). i couldnt see dyna hiring someone to advertise their product on a forum like RIU, that would give them a bad reputation. i currently dont use either of these nutes but this debate happens on here like 50 times a day, and you guys made your point like 2 pages ago.


Active Member
What knowledge have you shared other than plugging specific products? How can one apply that 'knowledge' to their own grows should they be using a different plant food?

So you're encouraging people to spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars on a grow and I'm saying one doesn't need to in order to get great results. Now I'm the shady one? :lol: I'd love to see a grow journal of yours, where are they?
Thank you once again HB for saving me hundreds of dollars on AN bs Marketing my girls are on day 21 and look incredible with just dyna gro GRO AND TAP WATER!!


New Member
i just want to thank my boys for showing me that advanced nutrients is a quality nutrient. it has grown killer plants for me and my friends. i also want to thank my friends for showing me that even a new grower like myself can grow nice, healthy plants without burning the shit out of them while using advanced. and lastly...i want to thank my common sense for showing me that advanced isn't really that expensive when you factor in how concentrated it is.

on a side note i want to send much love to my intelligence for letting me know how to weed out the bullshit from the actual good advice and those trolling. thanks again everyone.


Well-Known Member
i just want to thank my boys for showing me that advanced nutrients is a quality nutrient. it has grown killer plants for me and my friends. i also want to thank my friends for showing me that even a new grower like myself can grow nice, healthy plants without burning the shit out of them while using advanced. and lastly...i want to thank my common sense for showing me that advanced isn't really that expensive when you factor in how concentrated it is.

on a side note i want to send much love to my intelligence for letting me know how to weed out the bullshit from the actual good advice and those trolling. thanks again everyone.
Phil, what is the ppm contribution of 1ml of both sensi A and B into a gallon of water? Please specify the ppm scale as well.

tree king

Well-Known Member
theres different threads for nutrient debates. give it a rest guys, tree has made his choice for nutrients. stop making claims about people working for nutrient companies, just because someone approves of the product they use doesnt mean they work for the companies.
and AN is the only company that tries to market to the pot heads really, there a select few but AN is one of them and due to that, they mark up their prices a bit(and im sorry but they do promise some things that their nutes, or any nutes simply cant acheive such as 400% larger yields). i couldnt see dyna hiring someone to advertise their product on a forum like RIU, that would give them a bad reputation. i currently dont use either of these nutes but this debate happens on here like 50 times a day, and you guys made your point like 2 pages ago.
to be totally honest i like that AN markets to weed growers and runs tests with weed cause i find it hard to believe that every type of plant you grow takes the same nutrient ratio's to grow top notch. how else to make your nutes the best for weed unless you test it on weed? makes sense to me. dyna gro says its meant for orchids so it does make sense that AN outperforms it on marijuana

i also agree with nuglets. i am totally happy with the concentration rates of AN and i dont even think its expensive. if you use every single additive than it can get expensive but you dont have to use every additive to have great results i just use 2 or 3


New Member
to be totally honest i like that AN markets to weed growers and runs tests with weed cause i find it hard to believe that every type of plant you grow takes the same nutrient ratio's to grow top notch. how else to make your nutes the best for weed unless you test it on weed? makes sense to me. dyna gro says its meant for orchids so it does make sense that AN outperforms it on marijuana

i also agree with nuglets. i am totally happy with the concentration rates of AN and i dont even think its expensive. if you use every single additive than it can get expensive but you dont have to use every single additive to have great results i just use 2 or 3
yo tree. couldn't agree with you more. well said. what have you been up to? how are the girls?

tree king

Well-Known Member
yo tree. couldn't agree with you more. well said. what have you been up to? how are the girls?
i posted those pics yesterday so pretty much nothing knew. il take more pics in like a week. still gotta chop down the rest of my crop too ive been busy


Well-Known Member
to be totally honest i like that AN markets to weed growers and runs tests with weed cause i find it hard to believe that every type of plant you grow takes the same nutrient ratio's to grow top notch. how else to make your nutes the best for weed unless you test it on weed? makes sense to me. dyna gro says its meant for orchids so it does make sense that AN outperforms it on marijuana

i also agree with nuglets. i am totally happy with the concentration rates of AN and i dont even think its expensive. if you use every single additive than it can get expensive but you dont have to use every additive to have great results i just use 2 or 3
its not as much that they target weed growers but they lie to us(look up ANs history, its not very positive), false statistics and no guaranteed analysis(dyna has a guaranteed analysis). i dont think dyna is only for orchids, people use them to grow a variety of plants. believe it or not, plants really do like the same things, with the exception that weed is a acid loving plant. if your concerned about ratio, you can always mix nutrients. AN also releases many line of the same nutrients, just different cover art. yes, there is a thousand different nute lines you can use for mj but the idea of growing is to take as little as possible and make as much profit off growing. you cant be spending half your harvest on all their additives, you can easily get deficiencies by only using 1 bottle of AN(with the exception that sensi, i know people who use it and dont get deficiencies). AN has a better marketing department, not better nutrients. i have used their nutrients and got salt buildups that effected taste immensely, but some growers can avoid overfeeding with these nutes.

so you have the choice, you can either choose to advocate people overcharging weed growers and willingly lying on their descriptions, or you can pay a fraction of the price of AN and buy yourself something like Jacks Classic or any other trusted nutrient line. i wont go off saying what i approve of, but make sure they have a good background. ive been trying organic lines but some synthetics, in my experience i have liked using bontaicare and house and garden, even bloom booster worked better than AN for me and it was about 12 bucks for a bunch of it. but synthetics can be expensive, i try to stay organic for about 90% of my grow until the last weeks of flower when they really need as much as they can eat.


New Member
Thank you once again HB for saving me hundreds of dollars on AN bs Marketing my girls are on day 21 and look incredible with just dyna gro GRO AND TAP WATER!!
no offense dickhead but i'm not sure you are the best person to be giving nutrient advice to anyone. below is a copy of your post in the hydro section like an hour ago. you don't even know what ppm levels you want to start your plants at. seems to me like you are still learning like the rest of us.

Hr on my flood table I'm using 3 gallon smart pots with roots coco which has a lot of perlite but was wondering where I should start my ppm I'm using dyna gro gro and pro tekt? Starting from rooted clone


Well-Known Member my experience i have liked using bontaicare and house and garden, ...
I'm actually testing H&G's aqua flakes right now. The base is reasonably priced and decently concentrated so it actually winds up being one of the most economical plant foods that I've ever used. H&G's aqua flakes is 20% more concentrated than Connoisseur and DG is 85% more concentrated. Given the fact that Aqua Flakes is cheaper than DG and DG is much more potent, it's actually a wash in the end with both being about the same price to run start to finish.

I'll post some pics at day 60 just so you guys can see how plants look because if you're going to 'test' a plant food, you need to use it for longer than 17 days ;).

tree king

Well-Known Member
could someone please tell me why a post i made last night got deleted? i was responding to crazyhazey and i typed out a long post where i made some good points about why i use AN i dont understand why its gone


Well-Known Member
could someone please tell me why a post i made last night got deleted? i was responding to crazyhazey and i typed out a long post where i made some good points about why i use AN i dont understand why its gone
shit, i never get my posts deleted. are you sure you pressed reply? i think ive pressed it and my internet went out like that second, thats the only time ive lost a good post. all i can say is try to remember(which is hard for most of us lol i know it is for me) and repost whatever you can.


Well-Known Member
I'm actually testing H&G's aqua flakes right now. The base is reasonably priced and decently concentrated so it actually winds up being one of the most economical plant foods that I've ever used. H&G's aqua flakes is 20% more concentrated than Connoisseur and DG is 85% more concentrated. Given the fact that Aqua Flakes is cheaper than DG and DG is much more potent, it's actually a wash in the end with both being about the same price to run start to finish.

I'll post some pics at day 60 just so you guys can see how plants look because if you're going to 'test' a plant food, you need to use it for longer than 17 days ;).
i havent used them for years but my bubba liked it a lot, may go back to it next year. which grow are you using the h&g on? and your grows have made me want to try out dyna, may run that this year if i can find a distributor down here, everyone sells like dutch master and bio bizz(which i have been thinking about trying lately)


New Member
welcome to site politics man. notice how it's your thread tree but they erase your posts that had nothing wrong with them? notice how they erase my post that said thank you for showing me that advanced works? nut they don't erase homebrewers posts or that dude dickhead just dropping in and shooting off about dyna? welcome to the "new" RIU. censored for your viewing enjoyment.


New Member
well, phil showed us that you can use advanced products and get amazing results. lordjin showed us the exact same. i'm using advanced porducts and my plants look amazing. so i guess the reason that homebrewer burt the shit out of his plants was to either do it on purpose so he could sell more dyna grow or because of inexperience by a grower. those seem to be the only logical assumption one can make.

like i said before...i would like to thank all of those who showed me that advanced is a quality nutrient that can produce high quality buds when grown correctly. i have not run all of the nutrient companies but i will be taking my advice from people who have and who use advanced. not from people who burn crops with it and then blame the nutrient.