AG first Grow ever Using tips from this site


Active Member
How stealthy do you need to be?? Because those plants are going to start smelling pretty good during the flowering stage. You'll want to look into some different types of odor control. Carbon filters are the best bet and can be bought or made at home.


Active Member
I have it blowin on them right is like being at an unpolluted beach.....all the diff light spectrums and carbon cleaned air.


Active Member
Aquarium Filter catridge (replaceable/refillable) and cardboard box/good tape. Its Kinda Polish but hopefully it works. It was from the shipping box of the herb garden..hehehehhe...sry Oh, yea, its the native american comin out in me.....use everything, then get drunk and use it again, maybe paint it....give it to a friend and then take it back...haha. I may have to make a bigger one....fact is i am flat broke and stone sober and determined not to but weed that puts $$$ in the Mexi Mafia grubby little hands....they killed an american this week for not shit, and another for doin his job. Its been a long peaceful protest and the herb community doesn't need that shit in any way. BOYCOTT MIDDS we all know where it comes from, only china and mexico can make shit that cheap. And I'll rule out china for shipping reasons.


Active Member
fact is i am flat broke and stone sober and determined not to but weed that puts $$$ in the Mexi Mafia grubby little hands....they killed an american this week for not shit, and another for doin his job. Its been a long peaceful protest and the herb community doesn't need that shit in any way. BOYCOTT MIDDS we all know where it comes from, only china and mexico can make shit that cheap. And I'll rule out china for shipping reasons.
True that man...


Active Member
[quote="SICC";2169432]lookin good man, nice and short, take a look here if you havent, keep us posted[/quote]

You and tek inspired me to try this. I have always wanted to but, but dont want to own hps and all that other shit...not going to get greedy, get high yields, get robbed....just want my own i am way against this Mexican Mids:fire: Now that i know whats going on out there in texas...thats the whole reason i posted pics.....I want to get the word out to Boycott the Mexican mid Weed! I feel if the word goes around here it would do the more good than from sources against herb in general. I am going without too!!!! Its been 3 days and well its not addictive fo sho but i think i am hyperactive cause i cant shut up!!!!


Well-Known Member
You and tek inspired me to try this. I have always wanted to but, but dont want to own hps and all that other shit...not going to get greedy, get high yields, get robbed....just want my own i am way against this Mexican Mids:fire: Now that i know whats going on out there in texas...thats the whole reason i posted pics.....I want to get the word out to Boycott the Mexican mid Weed! I feel if the word goes around here it would do the more good than from sources against herb in general. I am going without too!!!! Its been 3 days and well its not addictive fo sho but i think i am hyperactive cause i cant shut up!!!!

haha yea i feel you on that, i live in Cali, so my first bowl i ever smoked was kush, never really smoked anything under chronic, smoke stress like twice haha, only cause some friends got a shit load for the always low price :eyesmoke:

im the same way tho, if i lived in another place like that, i'd rather grow my own, im not for yeild either, i just love growing :leaf:


Active Member
3 males and a herm....3 days flower.....fing sucks, so with that Learn two more things.....don't pick the biggest and strongest seedlings. Find good seeds to prevent lost time and heartbreak. I already snipped the fellas and i may give the herme a snip too. Plus I let the cat out of the bag when i was mixing nutes in the kitchen about a week ago. Been a shitty week! Even clogged the toilet flushing the bastards.....gonna try again at another time but in the meantime i'll have to post my retarded comments elsewhere. Thanks again SICC, Jefferson, and Tek for post and journals......but I think I gonna clean this thing up and stick it on Craigs list.


Well-Known Member
3 males and a herm....3 days flower.....fing sucks, so with that Learn two more things.....don't pick the biggest and strongest seedlings. Find good seeds to prevent lost time and heartbreak. I already snipped the fellas and i may give the herme a snip too. Plus I let the cat out of the bag when i was mixing nutes in the kitchen about a week ago. Been a shitty week! Even clogged the toilet flushing the bastards.....gonna try again at another time but in the meantime i'll have to post my retarded comments elsewhere. Thanks again SICC, Jefferson, and Tek for post and journals......but I think I gonna clean this thing up and stick it on Craigs list.
how much u gettin rid of it for and where u at