Against legalization...


Well-Known Member
as a black market grower in a legal state, i can assure you that your paranoid delusion will never become reality.

have you even considered the continued existence of black market moonshiners?

Help me out dude, explain why you need a blackmarket when you have legal free trade?


Well-Known Member
Help me out dude, explain why you need a blackmarket when you have legal free trade?
I think your missing the point here jus cuz it's "free trade" doesn't mean "the man" is going to have better quality or prices just like UB said..
I've never charged anyone sales tax..


Well-Known Member
Just like your comments + life. On topic nah I'd rather it being legalized so we can take the cartel and scums off the streets.
Would you say you might be a hypocrite? You say you want cartels taken off the street, yet start a thread saying you want to be like el chapo and idolize him. Are you a hypocrite or do you just not know who you are and what you want to be?


Well-Known Member
I think your missing the point here jus cuz it's "free trade" doesn't mean "the man" is going to have better quality or prices just like UB said..
I've never charged anyone sales tax..
No it is a good point, underground weed is always going to be better imo, id rather buy of you guys than dispenseries but if that was always the case dispenseries wouldnt exist.


Well-Known Member
Every dispensary I have seen product from pales in comparison to what I produce or I see produced by private growers. Dispensary grows are about $$ not quality. Non cured, over dried, over trimmed, and overpriced. Great for the masses and out of staters coming in to "new amsterdam" lol to sample the wares. Connoisseur bud exists in the black market. I am 1000% behind DEREGULATION. Legalization is not quite as good, but DAMN good nonetheless. This is the land of the free brother and thank God we have some forward thinking people that are taking off their blinders finally. No one has the right to say we can't grow a harmless herb. Especially when they have no credibility because they openly approve and tax alcohol and all those FDA approved drugs that are less dangerous than cannabis.:spew: Yet none of which are naturally occurring....

My fear is that big business like monsanto and the government will regulate it and then only make it legal to purchase and consume. Hopefully I am wrong. There will always be a black market as long as there is a demand.


Well-Known Member
Would you say you might be a hypocrite? You say you want cartels taken off the street, yet start a thread saying you want to be like el chapo and idolize him. Are you a hypocrite or do you just not know who you are and what you want to be?
There's a difference, In a way I respect his success how he started from nothing at age of 15 but built an empire but I don't agree with the killing and shit tons of lives being ruined, besides it was a song you retarded egyptian.


Well-Known Member
There's a difference, In a way I respect his success how he started from nothing at age of 15 but built an empire but I don't agree with the killing and shit tons of lives being ruined, besides it was a song you retarded egyptian.
Intelligence exudes from you. I am fully aware it was a song. That doesn't negate the fact of what you typed LITERALLY. Guess what, a lot of people come from nothing and do great things with their lives it's called being driven. Of course they aren't glamorous like el chapo. Which is what people with no self esteem like to idolize.


Well-Known Member
Intelligence exudes from you. I am fully aware it was a song. That doesn't negate the fact of what you typed LITERALLY. Guess what, a lot of people come from nothing and do great things with their lives it's called being driven. Of course they aren't glamorous like el chapo. Which is what people with no self esteem like to idolize.
LOL ok I idolize him now you can sleep better at night.


Well-Known Member
But more just go down supermarket, at the moment theres more growers than commercial organizations but that will change. Yer some will still grow but most will just go down the supermarket....

"More tomatoes are grown in America by home gardeners than are produced commercially. Yet there is a robust commercial market for tomatoes and tomato products of all types: canned, vine-ripened, organic, sauces, soups, ketchup, etc. At the same time, small-scale specialty cultivators do well selling their produce at Farmers’ Markets, and home gardeners with extra tomatoes share the bounty with neighbors as gifts, in trade, or through informal sales. Marijuana could be handled in the same way. Commercial growers can thrive side-by-side with home and specialty cultivators."
Ed Rosenthal


Well-Known Member
"More tomatoes are grown in America by home gardeners than are produced commercially. Yet there is a robust commercial market for tomatoes and tomato products of all types: canned, vine-ripened, organic, sauces, soups, ketchup, etc. At the same time, small-scale specialty cultivators do well selling their produce at Farmers’ Markets, and home gardeners with extra tomatoes share the bounty with neighbors as gifts, in trade, or through informal sales. Marijuana could be handled in the same way. Commercial growers can thrive side-by-side with home and specialty cultivators."
Ed Rosenthal

Ha, the comercial hydroponic industry over here out puts more toms than is humanly possible, countries here are year round supplied by vast greenhouses, home growers couldnt ever match the scale or volume if you put every small farm and home grower togethef.

Ed grew up in better times, back when you could hope for a better future in a fair and friendly economy. It didnt work out that way.
I sleep just fine. I'm more of a Pablo fan.
The problem is the gangs, legalizing weed dosent make the gangs go away it makes them get involved higher up the food chain. If your country is run by a few corrupt people its a shame, democracy must prevail in my country one way or another.


Well-Known Member
Ha, the comercial hydroponic industry over here out puts more toms than is humanly possible, countries here are year round supplied by vast greenhouses, home growers couldnt ever match the scale or volume if you put every small farm and home grower togethef.
People raise their own eggs, produce, flowers, make their own soap etc despite the glut of those products being produced and offered commercially. You can look at it how you like but the truth is there are plenty of people who are satisfied with commercial products while those who prefer artisinal products coexist in the same environment.


Well-Known Member
I'm not concerned with the gangs. They will not go away. Just restructure. Some are concerned that they are setting up shop here and producing. I don't know, but either way they are not going bye bye anytime soon.


Well-Known Member
People raise their own eggs, produce, flowers, make their own soap etc despite the glut of those products being produced and offered commercially. You can look at it how you like but the truth is there are plenty of people who are satisfied with commercial products while those who prefer artisinal products coexist in the same environment.

You keep saying co-exist but you negate the dustruction of traditional ways over the last decade, its not my point its a hard and sad fact that there is no co-existing...

You will always be a competitor and your profit is their potential gain.

Your talking pure fantasy or isolated areas, im talking already documented evidence and you verses big corporation is not a fight the little guy can win, with weed you have a chance to even the score.

I accept what your saying but even if the little guy gets a good product 9 times out of 10 hes thinking dollar signs not how it benefits the community.

Just consider the changes the tomato industry has gone through and thats what will happen to weed, there will just be a few growers the vast majority will just shop at supermarkets.... not very dope.


Well-Known Member
I'm not concerned with the gangs. They will not go away. Just restructure. Some are concerned that they are setting up shop here and producing. I don't know, but either way they are not going bye bye anytime soon.
I couldnt imagine a world without weed but if my choices were getting of gangs or not getting at all id probably give it up for a while and considee a small grow or moving to a less gang related area/country. In my country associating or dealing with gangs would be a higher punishment than a small hidden home grow. I understand this isnt the case everywhere.