Ahhh It wont stop growing!!!


Well-Known Member
wow dude, that sucks. i'd pinch the stems and fold the mains in half, let them grow horizontal.
This is a great thread. I am learning a lot and going to begin my first in April. I do have one question, is it ok for plant to be that close to the top light?


Well-Known Member
This is a great thread. I am learning a lot and going to begin my first in April. I do have one question, is it ok for plant to be that close to the top light?
Yes, but ONLY with CFL's. and with the correct air circulation. But even that can get too hot, i started getting a little heat stress on the tips of my leaves at the tippy top... with an HID or similar lamp your talking around 16" away at all times. and youd still need ample air ventilation and circulation to keep the temps right.