air flow venting and temp control


New Member
First grow here's some info first

What Strain is it? Indica auto flower.
How Many Plants? 2 but it's a 4 bucket system.
Is it in Vegetative or Flowering Stage? Veg/flower
Indoor or Outdoor? Indoor
Soil or Hydro? Hydro
If Hydro, Reservoir size? 25 gallon
If Hydro, Reservoir Temperature? 66
If Hydro, what type of Medium?-Clay
If Hydro, what type of Setup?-Dwc
Size (Wattage) of Light? How Many? 600 hps
Is it Air Cooled? Yes
Temperature of Room/Cabinet? 84-90
RH of Room/Cabinet? 30-40
PH of Medium or Reservoir? 5.8-6.1
Any Pests? No
How Often are you Watering? Twice day 3ml each of pH water
Type and Strength of Fertilizers used? Flora at 580 ppm at (700)
Size or Square Footage of Room? 55 cubic feet 3.7x8x2
Have blowing 58-65 degree air from attic through cool tube at 500cfm
Out take 2 fans 4" totaling 220 cfm
Vent runs are 4-5 foot both have 1 90 degree Bend in it.
Water chiller humidifier 4 small fans 2 10" fans
Can not get the temp to stay between 74-78 how can I modify the air flow to achieve this temp
Ideally I would like to have the closet door closed and sealed any suggestions?
Also tomorrow I am getting an additional blower to replace the 2 4" intake fans at 220cfm total to just 1 6" 400cfm blower to push more cold air in. So I will have 2 6" blowers 1 for intake one for outtake
Now will it cause an issue using 6" fans with 4" vent runs also both intake and outtake are identical they are both the same size due to the small space I had to make the vent run only could put 2 4" vent runs



Well-Known Member
1, you need to put ducting on each side of the hood. Run each piece of ducting out of the tent and go get an inline fan. Connect the inline on one of the sides of the ducting. (what you are trying to accomplish is the heat from sitting inside of your hood, creating more heat in the tent.) You could even get away jimmy-rigging a fan if you had too. 2) I would say either go to home depot and get a cheap door that fits your location, or put up panda film with a zipper. You can then cut holes on the new door and create an intake/exhaust so the door may close. Or you can buy panda film and put it up as a door and cut holes in that for your intake or exhaust. You can always have a passive intake and only have an exhaust.(The air flow would naturally come under the door.)


Active Member
I recently read another post that said there's no need for cooling the light and a carbon filter attached to a exhaust exiting the ceiling will be more efficient because this does a few things first to exchange the air on a regular basis, remove heat and control odor. What's your opinion? (Maybe this guy can't vent through a ceiling) you did mention the lower area in this door would create airflow, kind of what I think I need to do. I have a 4x4 tent and concerned my girls are not getting the air exchange needed.


Well-Known Member
I recently read another post that said there's no need for cooling the light and a carbon filter attached to a exhaust exiting the ceiling will be more efficient because this does a few things first to exchange the air on a regular basis, remove heat and control odor. What's your opinion? (Maybe this guy can't vent through a ceiling) you did mention the lower area in this door would create airflow, kind of what I think I need to do. I have a 4x4 tent and concerned my girls are not getting the air exchange needed.
Well, you can put ducting on one side of the hood and not both. Then run the fan outside pulling the air out. The air flow will pull into the hood and out the tent, instead of air pulling outside the tent into the hood then back out again. You don't have to cool the light, but it's a hell of a lot easier/cheaper to start there than to get an AC unit. IMO I don't typically have that big of a deal with smell during veg, so carbon filter isn't alway a must. But during flower, you're gonna need one.


New Member
1, you need to put ducting on each side of the hood. Run each piece of ducting out of the tent and go get an inline fan. Connect the inline on one of the sides of the ducting. (what you are trying to accomplish is the heat from sitting inside of your hood, creating more heat in the tent.) You could even get away jimmy-rigging a fan if you had too. 2) I would say either go to home depot and get a cheap door that fits your location, or put up panda film with a zipper. You can then cut holes on the new door and create an intake/exhaust so the door may close. Or you can buy panda film and put it up as a door and cut holes in that for your intake or exhaust. You can always have a passive intake and only have an exhaust.(The air flow would naturally come under the door.)
Have intake split one going all the way down the wall to the floor the other comes down and stops at bucket level on the otherside . Hooked an online booster 4" cheap metal ones an rigged it on the end of my hood to blow air through the light to the other side which my out take is on. Also bought a bigger humidifier that helps keep my temp down to. Also have my outtake fan turns on and off every 30min and my co2 kicks in when that occurs 7 times a day for 6min. Temp are currently holding 77-87 humidity 35-50%
Would like the temp range to be 76-82


New Member
Only have what I have right now, until these girls are out. Just don't understand why I can't maintain the 75-82 range with what I have I am assuming I just need the right configuration. Should I get rid of the "y" connector coming in and just have a single duct run on one side of the room low to the floor or midway in the room. Should I reduce speeds on one of the inline blowers or adjust timers right now I have the exhaust that kick on an off every 39min. Constantly blowing attic air with 2nd blower. Can to much fan in the room screw up my temps? Or air flow movements


New Member
I do like the remove door and tarp but it would be too noticeable and just buy another door and cutout for more intake just might work I can always place a furnace vent and say the room is the heater room. Lol


Active Member
I want to bring you (and anyone else) how changing from a vented cool tube hood, light ( that limited a consistent exchange of airflow in the grow are. This venting from a ceiling access to running my fan outside the tent works really well ) switching to setting up ventilation worked two fold it cools area to mid 70's degrees and creates excellent air exchange. I have been piecing my grow areas together over time as funds would allow. Short of a nightmare but finally have my grow system running better than ever. Future steps are to get some seeds that are pretty good genetics and high quality and hopes to get a bountiful yield and great strain with medical strength with predictable grow with effects.

P.S. Are LED'S and which ones don't cost a fortune and increase better bud and larger yields. I see many companies lowered prices dramatically others didn't these are 5,6,7 and $1000. Today 300 & 400 watts are only $250 $350 Good or Bad