Air Intake Question...Should Be really simple!

Fuck Snails

Active Member
I need an air intake just like everyone else...
My main question is, whats the best way to go about doing it??

The foundation of my house is mainly dirt I believe, and
I will be drawing air from ground level...

How do i draw in air like that without getting bugs, dust, dirt, and god knows what inside my house?
Do I absolutely have to drill through the wall? Can I drill through the wood floor? If so, how do i block insects and dirt from getting in?

Ideas on how you've done your intake systems will really help me grow my snow orchids this year..thanks and happy gardening


New Member
you can buy fine screens online for like $1 each. I wouldn't recommend drilling into your wood floor though that'll just decrease your value. My parent's house has a cold room and it has a hole in the wall, its not as suspicious nor will it decrease the value of your house. Plus I'm sure it'd be easier to patch it later if need be.

Fuck Snails

Active Member
Very true. Thanks..

I failed to mention that the only holes I'll be able to make in the wall will be leading outside through the front of my house facing the street......that's not so bueno...If there's a way to inconspicuously do this perhaps like with a screen or something more incognito that would be great! Any suggestions please?



Well-Known Member
what ever way you go put a stocking/tights over the end of the ducting to stop the bugs, most people will already have these lying around the house.
also drilling a hole in the floor will bring in cool air and wont be hard to fix in the future, instean of 1 big hole just drill a few smaller ones like 5-6 two inch ones makeing sure your ducting will cove it, or do what i did and put an air vent over it which has a built in bug screen! like this,r:4,s:0&tx=107&ty=118

Fuck Snails

Active Member
Brilliant~! I'd rep you again rob but you already got repped from helping me in my other thread and it wont let me.

Great idea man thanks!!!