Air-Pot vs standard pot grow from clones. 600w in a tent


Well-Known Member
hey nice setup dude
im bout to get one of those tents how you like it?
Everything's a compromise.
  • Fairly in-expensive. I got mine for $225 and it would have been hard to build a cab of the same dimensions that cheap
  • I can take it down very quick
  • 2x4 was the exact dimensions I wanted

  • Need to still do a little light proofing on it
  • It really needs an additional flap all around the zipper on the outside
  • Opening the zipper on a tent is more difficult that just opening the door on a cab


Well-Known Member
If you go back to see my prior photo ONE week ago, you will see what I consider amazingly explosive growth.

The primary leaves are bigger than my hand. The main stalk is almost 1/2" thick. Alas, it's a male, but I may cross it with a fast growing Bitch growing in a F & D rig.

The amount of growth will depend on the quality of light + nutes. I had this plant too far away from my coral T5s. I adjusted yesterday morning and have over an inch of new growth this morning.

I am also using APs for growing Rosemary and Basil outdoors.



Well-Known Member
1.5 Gal Air-Pot - works great in cab grows
dinafem industrial plant at 35 days from seed in 3pt perlite, 2pt worm castings, 1pt vermiculite on organic nutes.

airpots are the shit, can't wait to see your babies flower


Well-Known Member
very nice hankdank good to see those APs in action. I def have to invest in a set. those 1.5s seem to be legit would you see a reason to go bigger? I mean you can always go bigger but to fill a tray or two that size seems right on. nice one!


Well-Known Member
Tuesday, October 11th 2011
Total days: 28
Clone: 11
Veg: 17
Flower: 0

Busy night. First the plants.

Four 10-11-2011 9-24-48 PM.jpg
Hear are the four in smaller pots. They are actually stretching more than I usually like but I also have more height to work with. I think I can keep these 14w T5s very close to the tops.

Big girls 10-11-2011 9-25-26 PM.jpg
The plants in the 2 Gal pots are coming along very nice. I'm going to give them at least another week to veg but we'll see how tall they are then.

Tube 10-11-2011 9-36-21 PM.jpg
Here's some semi-rigid aluminum duct

Tube curved 10-11-2011 9-37-45 PM.jpg
here's the duct bent

Intakes 10-11-2011 9-39-45 PM.jpg
And here it is as my intake. I definitely need to paint the inside black as the aluminum is reflecting the light. Haven't decided yet if I'll need to add a second one or not.

Fans 10-11-2011 9-40-14 PM.jpg
Here's the exhaust on the other side of the tent. I'm using fan speed controllers to run them at only 80%.

Let there be light 10-11-2011 9-43-48 PM.jpg
Shot of the light on and everything running.

Temp Humidity 10-11-2011 9-44-35 PM.jpg
Remote Temp/Humidity I have zip tied to the top of the tent. That way I can monitor the temps without opening it up. I want to figure out the lowest fan speed I can run and still keep the temps below 79 degrees.


Well-Known Member
Temps are looking very good. It's been running for 2 hours and Temps are 77. Room temp is 75.6 so I'm not seeing much rise.


Well-Known Member
so those are carbon filters on out side of tent for exaust?
Yes. The bigger one exhaust the air from inside the tent, the smaller one handles exhaust from the reflector. I realize there should be very little odor from the reflector but I figured the extra filter couldn't hurt.


what's the benefit of hard ducting vs flex?

looks to be a comparable setup to what I'm putting together. Very nice that the temps are good, do you have any ventilation/circulation to the closet itself? My concern is that my closet has no a/c vent and the air is stagnant.


my ambient temp in the closet is 76-78 do you think I can keep my 4x3 w/ aircooled 600 about the same? I have a portable a/c but would rather not use it...

thanks loving your setup can't wait to start mine


Well-Known Member
my ambient temp in the closet is 76-78 do you think I can keep my 4x3 w/ aircooled 600 about the same? I have a portable a/c but would rather not use it...

thanks loving your setup can't wait to start mine
I think it's going to depend on how you run your intake and exhaust. My tent and cabinet are setup in a fairly large room, 15x25 and the ventilation is good. If you can setup your intakes to pull in cooler air, it would be better.


Well-Known Member
Update on my homemade airpot...I think I have only seen one root pokin' out so far, and it's been at around a week and half I think since she has been in the homemade pot.....



I think it's going to depend on how you run your intake and exhaust. My tent and cabinet are setup in a fairly large room, 15x25 and the ventilation is good. If you can setup your intakes to pull in cooler air, it would be better.
I'm up for suggestions, I was going to have my fan mounted in the attic and run the exhaust through there, I guess I could pull cold air from my room? Outside is very hot sure in the "winter" it might be slightly cooler then inside but I would eventually like to turn this into a perpetual grow.

thanks for your help

pulling air from my room wouldn't be very stealthy...would have to keep the closet door open, I could replace that door and install an air intake vent into a solid door...similar to commercial bathroom doors.


Well-Known Member
Exhaust into the attic will help since you won't be dropping it into the same area intake is pulling from. Not sure about the intake. The ambient temp in your room would need to be at least a few degrees cooler than in the closet to make the effort worth it. No matter what, you need to make sure there is some type of passive intake into the closet at a minimum.


Exhaust into the attic will help since you won't be dropping it into the same area intake is pulling from. Not sure about the intake. The ambient temp in your room would need to be at least a few degrees cooler than in the closet to make the effort worth it. No matter what, you need to make sure there is some type of passive intake into the closet at a minimum.
def exhausting to the attic passive intakes would be from the tent itself pulling air from the closet, closet is 6x5x9 if needed I guess I'll use the portable ac and a y connector to the tent exhaust...that would work I think