air pump vs. o2 pump?


New Member
anyway i can get away w. a cheap air pump vs. o2 pump. i cant seem to find an o2 pump online and i really dont want to spend a lot either. i was thinking if an air pump would suffice figuring that any air is better than no air.

i was going to try a hempy+air bucket method. i wanted to create a gap bw my grow medium and the water/nute reservoir and have the air pump below the grow medium to help induce air flow up through the roots.

would this even work? im thinking the air may just pass downward thru the drainage hole which would defeat the purpose of an air pump...right?


New Member
oh just had this idea, i may try to create a "cap" over the drainage hole so that i can keep the air pump "sealed" within the bucket, thereby forcing the air to move up thru the grow medium, then when i want to replace the water...i can simply remove the cap and put new water....anyone have thoughts on this?


Well-Known Member
i've said it once i'll say it again...if people want to put an airstone in a bucket they need to use dwc/swc....while you could use it in this system it is compleatly un-needed as you will tell by the growth...peace az
edit you are compleatly talking about a dwc system...peace az


New Member
im not familiar w. terminology of hydroponic setups. the reason why i dont want to a true hydro system is bc of costs and complexity. im very new at this but still want to use all the research ive done to modify the hempy method...altho, it may be "perfect" already.

do u see anything wrong w. what i said above. can u reply w. a link to a DWC setup? can a DWC setup be made w. things at home? or cheap purchases at like a home depot or walmart?

i would really apprec. ur input az, thx.


Well-Known Member
you can run a simple dwc set up by purchasing a rubermaid tub or some equivilent in the size of 5galto 20 gal....get a few airpumps an put the airstones in there an put plants in net pots up top..wala dwc....there are tons of how to on it..but i gaurantee you that the hassel of running that dwc system is nothing like the simplictiy of pump or stones...just hand water an perlite/vermaculite....peace az

White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
you can run a simple dwc set up by purchasing a rubermaid tub or some equivilent in the size of 5galto 20 gal....get a few airpumps an put the airstones in there an put plants in net pots up top..wala dwc....there are tons of how to on it..but i gaurantee you that the hassel of running that dwc system is nothing like the simplictiy of pump or stones...just hand water an perlite/vermaculite....peace az

Az is right, you should listen to him dude! But if you are insistant on building a DWC system, here's a link to one you can put together with items available at Home Depot... Good luck with it, you will get huge plants growing with this type of system.



New Member
what is the h-pvc-tubing for? is this to distribute the air from the pump? is the water mister to help moisture up the dangling roots?


Active Member
what is the h-pvc-tubing for? is this to distribute the air from the pump? is the water mister to help moisture up the dangling roots?
No...DWC is aeroponics.

They are normally self contained units. A rubbermaid tote works great. You fill em up about 3/4 way to the top with water and nutes, throw a pond pump (250gph or so) in there, build a PVC manifold (don't even need glue), screw in sprayers, get air pumps (not o2 pumps) like for aquariums and get the longest airstones you can find, put them at the bottom and run the air lines out to the air pumps.

You then cut 4 to 6 holes in the lid, drop in 3" net pots filled w/hydroton. Drop in clones or rapid-rooter plugs w/seedlings. The sprayers provide highly aerated water and nutrients to the roots as the plant grows. When the roots hit the water, the sprayers have little impact. The roots then bask in highly nutrient/aerated water. Plants can grow much faster and larger using this method. They typically harvest much better as well.

However, there it is a lot more involved. You need to keep an eye on your PH, PPM daily. If your water gets warm, you have to watch out for root rot and other bacteria issues.



New Member
lol. come on guys, so often i see ppl here get super gnar and aggressive. everyone relax, we're here to help each other out. no need to show a temper.

if it's a big problem to post then dont post.


Well-Known Member've yet to show how you can tell emotion over the internet...

i see where NOONE got aggressive or gnar as you say


New Member
FYI, an exclamation mark expresses heightened emotion within text, so when someone writes, "DWC IS NOT aeroponics!!!!!!", with 5 exclamation marks, unless you can deduce it's regarding something good/exciting, you can pretty much be damn sure the guy is pissy about something.

also, withing text, capital words or fragments show the same thing. you've used both. does this explain enough or are you set on this emotion detector?


Well-Known Member
DWC (Deep Water Culture) units are commonly referred to as "bubblers" and are used for a method of growing plants hydroponically in a bucket of nutrients with the plant suspended over the nutrients and the roots growing down into the nutrients which are super oxygen saturated by pumping large volumes into the nutrient solution with the aid of an aquaurium stlye pump with an airstone attached to the airline.

Plants grown in this method grow at superfast rates due to the fact that they are being fed large amounts of oxygen. This is the same reason that the roots can sit in the nutrient solution without drowning. This method of growing is perfect for a hobby grower or one who wishes to grow for personal use. Large scale commercial growers do not generally find this method appropriate for the reason that each plant is housed in its own reservoir, and would simply be entirely too much maintenance in a large scale grow.

For someone who only needs say 6 plants, this method of hydroponic cultivation is an excellent way to grow. When an environment has been created to provide your plants with the optimum conditions required for fast, healthy growth,the one limiting factor left is how much oxygen can be provided to the roots of the plants. DWC growing will take care of this factor and then some! The roots will recieve huge amounts of oxygen for some of the fastest growth rates possible. DWC is one of the easiest and yet most effective forms of hydroponic cultivation.

O2 is oxygen which is in air, a purely O2 pump would be pumping from an oxygen tank and that is unnecessary and probably harmful. You want an air pump.


Well-Known Member
aeroponics leaves the roots IMMERSED in nothing but AIR as a grow medium...deep WATER culture uses WATER as a grow medium...the hydroton is just an anchor as far as i see it. and yea, an oxygen system is very hazardous in an environment where one could be smoking in the same building...air is a way better idea