Ak47 1000watt


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The electricity in my area went out and is still out. Is this going to effect my plants at all? They probably wont get light again for another 24 hours


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Here are the girls most of them look healthy but some of them look a little well weird. Like they are having trouble growing or they are small. But the funny thing is they are all a nice shade of green. So IDK if anyone knows whats wrong let me know. I had to lower the light they were taking way to long with the light 3 feet above them. Now the light is about 2 feet about them.



Looking at your pics mate 99% chance they need water or your grow room is too hot/light too close. Keep the temp between 20-23 celcius and your soil damp and you can't go wrong. Keep your light at distance many millions of plants that would be cured bud right now have been killed by the old temptation to move the light closer. In all honesty with 400watt plus mh bulbs your going to have a lot of bud even if your lights a fair old way away. Too close though and you've nothing but a shocked/dead plant.


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thanks for the advice mate. yeah my temps are like always 90+ and humidity is always low. Next grow ill do a 600watt maybe. When should i start using the second set of FF nutrients. Right now im only using a little bit of the grow big.


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Day 7 of Flowering
The girls are coming in nice now. They are all girls.
I switched the light from mh to hps still running on 1000watt.
I thought about doing the 36 hours of darkness but got mixed reviews on it so I just straight up switched.
I didnt LST or TOP or anything just letting them grow straight up cowboy style.
The tallest plant last time I checked was 19 inches.
IDK how far to keep the plants away from the light. I tried 24 inches but they began to strech a bit so right now they are about 17 inches away. I do that test with my hand to make sure. If anyone has the exact measurement of inches for a 1000watt bulb let me know.


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are there any reason my leaves are light green? and I think they got a little heat stressed cause the light was about 14 inches away. The biggest ones are about 24 inhes now. And I'm going to lolipop them tonight actually. Please people comment


to bad you rushed them in to flower Ak-47 is a heavy heavy yeilder if you give it some time in veg and top them right but either way they look good you should still get a decent yeild did you take any clones if not you still can unless you dont wanna grow that same strain. if they turning light green it can be due to heat stress is your room still at 90 thats crazy if its around 90 and the plants are turning light green then its heat stress which you may wanna fixs because if theres one way you wanna make your ak-47 yeild look like stress then thats the best way and your humidity should never be to low or that means your plants envirment is like a desert there can be alot of reasons i would have to see more pics but juss dont be so temped to put the light as close as you can to make them grow faster or think its better for the budds but unless you have a air cooling system for your light like an fan sucking the air in your light and blowing it out to were ever you like or something to cool the room down


you can only put your light as close as the heat will allow you what i mean by this is doing the hand test but unless you have somthing keeping the light cool your juss going to do more harm with the heat then benifit of the light being near the plant....and have a thermomiter sitting by your plants you want your temp to be around 70-78 ideal but even 80 can still be fine when the light is off you want it around 62-68 humidity should be around 40-50% if you dont have a cooling system or live in a very cooled place i dont see how the plant could be 14 inchs away from a 1000 watt light with out getting heat stress


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+rep doomer. Yeah I figured it was the heat stress so now I have it regulated at 80 max it usually ranged between 76 to 80 and at night 62 to 68 is about right. I did flower them until about 18 inches which was really long for me. I mean im hoping to get at least 80 to 90 grams a plant but we will see what happens. Right now they are 24 inches which is pretty good. I'm hoping they will get to about 3 feet or 4 feet but thats just wishful thinking. I havent taken any clones and dont plan on it. I didnt do any topping because I was told that topping leads to just 2 colas with the same about of bud as one strong cola. Tomorrow I'm going to lolipop the plants and maybe I can just take some clones from the bottom branches which arent getting much light. My next grow I want to do the auto flowering strain because this has taken sooo long and im such an impatient person. If you want some pics of the girls let me know maybe ill take them after I loly them tomorrow.


even if u dont want clones cut the bottom branchs that r not getting much light so the plant will use its energy on the tops u lose alittle yeild but u gett bigger better tops which r ur main yeild....and with topping u do increase ur yeild i have a purple kush plant a week away from harvest and it has 7 tops no way i would of got the same yeild with juss 1 top.......my first grow was ak 47 under a 400 watt light and i got 2.5 oz so u will get a good yeild


Active Member
wow bro 2.5 oz thats really good. I guess you topped those too. Hopefully I get higher then that since im using a 1000watt light but lets see. So I cut the lower branches off and man oh man did they mature over night. The results were clear that all the energy was able to be focused more towards the top of the plant rather then the weak leaves at the bottom and they are doing nice now. I did notice a slight problem in that the stems were a bit weak due to no air circulation being constantly in the room. So I ran out and bought a big oscillating fan and have it facing away from them however still blowing on the slowest speed. Originally I put it on them and it was effecting the plants a bit to much so i decided to turn it around. I am happy to say I have all females. I thought I found a hermie but didn'tday13c.jpgday13b.jpgday 13.jpg find it today so Im guessing she really showed her pistils. I'm using the FFOF trio of nutrients and now im on the big bloom bottle. Here are the pics I promised. Let me know how I am doing.


thats good that you cut the under growth and saw the difference i always do and thats good that you got a fan for them that is very important and next time you will have it for start to finish its important not juss to push out the old air and bring in fresh co2 but it makes the plant strengthen the branches and bigger branches can support bigger buds but if you do have a problem with there strengthn its not a problem juss tie them up or support them anyway you can i have seen alot of way because when your flowering you dont want your branchs getting pushed down by the weight of the budds because the plant will use more of its energy to help support the branch then on the buds. also you really want the fan on the plants moving back and forth when you have the fan from the start the plants will be able to handle the fans strength.....trying supporting the plants which is good for later on in the flowering when you have massive buds and put the fan on them lowest setting at first moving back and forth cuz you dont want the fan on them all the time or it will dry out the leafs and if the plant getts stressed out take the fan off it and keep it the way you have it and if it doesnt stress keep the fan on the plant.....apart from that the pics look great you should have a big yeild and the great thing is not only is ak-47 a big yeilder its also a very fast flowering strain so you should she your flowers growing every day. but yea keep me posted i am abroad even if no one else comments hehe hopefully i am a help


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TY 2 people. It must be my lucky day. I see a ton more bud sights on the mature plants now. Based on the size and maturity what are you estimates on yield and time to harvest.