AK's Back Yard Organic 4 Strain Extravaganza


Well-Known Member
This will be my second grow ever and first SCROG grow.

The strain is unknown bagseed. I saved up a bunch of seeds went thru and picked out the fastest ones with the most mottled spots (heard this mean healthy seeds). Soaked 20 seeds for about 20 hours in water then transfered them to damp paper towel inside ziplock. Checked this morning and 11 of 20 had germinated which is no a bad ratio considering they have been sitting in a film container for a year. Planted seeds in Jiffy Greenhouse pellets which is now sitting in window during day and will be under 2 t12 flouros and 2 23watt cfls for the first two weeks.

My plan is to transplant the 4 best looking plants into 2 large rubber maid copntainers filled with fox farm organic soil. I am also buying a 400 watt HPS for the grow but that will have to wait awhile. Essentially I want to fill a 4X4 screen with all 4 plants. This will allow me a shorter veg cycle to fill the screen and hopefully a bigger yield. I may choose to bring it down to 2 plants do conserve space.

Things I still need to procure/build

1. Screen setup will be a frame constructed of 2X2 framing and I will either use chicken wire or another medium for the screen
2. Will be building my own carbon filter. This is a legal medical grow but there are lots of children in my complex and I do not want complaining parents
3. need to buy 1 more rubber maid container and some soil(cat got into room this morning and decided to christen my planter box as her new shit box
4) new muffin fan last one burned out after last grow.
5) will be using leftover nutes from last grow for veg need to buy some blooming nutes.
6) Lighting. I want no more than 400hps since heat and electricity will be an issue. I was hoping to find maybe a used light on Craigslist or I may just go to the hydro store and convince him to give me a killer deal.

Well that's it for this entry will update again with pics when the seeds sprout.

(This thread was started in my journal section but, I couldnot manage attachments so I brought it here.
It has been 2 days since I planted the 11 seeds. So far 2 have fully exited shell and have sprouted coteyldon and the first tiny true leaves. There are several that are breaking soil and only 2 have showed no growth. I have them in the jiffy greenhouse in my window sill which provides about 8 hours of full sunlight. When the sun is over my roof I put the tray under 2 48" T12 ecolux flouros that are about 1 3/4 inch away from seedlings. I am not going to keep the hood on anymore because I think the humidity got a little too high as well as temp and one of the sprouts looks kinda steamed oh well we will see. Sunday I will start with 1/4 strength Thrive Alive B1 and Root66 from Technaflora. I did this last year and had excellent results getting healthy strong rooted seedlings. I know that T12s are the least effecient but the full sun gives em quite a boost in the morning. I will be buying some Fox Farm OF soil to transplant in. I have decided to use 2 25 gallon or so Rubber made Containers as my planters. I have heard the a wide deep container is good especially since i will be planting two per container.

Update again when all seedlings have hatched.​
Ok well it has been five days since I planted the Germed seeds. There are 5 of 11 sprouts and I think I am going to stop worrying about the ones that have not sprouted. If they make it that’s good but I have 4 that are growing very vigorously and were obliviously very healthy seeds. The strains are unknown but I think I can tell that I will have a couple indicas and maybe one sativa. The strongest of the seedlings is the Sativa looking one. It has already begun to sprout its second set of true leaves. They have been spending the majority of their time outside in full sun so they are getting plenty of light. When they are inside I have the flouro almost on top of them so they do not stretch. So far I am happy with the results and cannot wait to harvest (thinking ahead):joint: The seedlings have been watered with 1/10 strength Root 66 every other day and its seems to be helping. There are already small fat roots growing out of the bottom of the plugs so, I may have to transplant into cups. I have decided to use a mix of FF OF and FF HF with a 40% perlite addition for drainage.

Here is a pic of the seedlings
Ok so went to hydro store today


I purchased
1 12qt bag of FoxFarm Ocean Forest
1 12qt bag of FoxFarm Happy Frog
4 5 Gal grow bags

I was told by someone to abandon the rubbermaid idea because I would not be happy with the results. I was going to buy 5 gal buckets but, this is going to be a budget grow sort of and .51 per bag was better than 5 or more bucks for buckets. I also went to walmart and bought some more perlite and I bought two new Ecolux T12 6500k bulbs. They claim 3050 lumens per bulb. They are much brighter than the plant/aquarium bulbs i was using. I talked to the store owner and she said something like 200 something for a 400w HPS with digital ballast so I might shop elsewhere for them. The seedlings are doing well I think the 4 that popped originally are going to be the ones I use because the rest are struggling already. The orig 4 are growing strong, the sativa one is already on second set of leaves and they are barely a week old so I am a happy camper. Tomorrow I will mix the soil and plant them into plastic beercups untill I can buy some more soil to fill the bags up. I also won a small bottle of Botanicare CNS17 bloom nutes. they were having US history Trivia for memorial weekend and I answered right. I wont be using it though since my garden will be 100% organic this time around. I may keep it for my flower garden though or give it to someone who needs it. I will post pics tomorrow after I plant in the cups.

what's wrong with rubbermaid bins? Alot of people use them with great results. Here is my new RDWC setup...1.jpg...I'm just sayin I think you would do better with a bin than grow bags. I'm interested to see how your grow turns out.
Sorry it took awhile to get these pics up. All 4 strains have shown exponitial growth except for strain #4. #4 was plagued by some nutrient burn I am thinking that the food that is in the soil was a little to much for this particular type. The other 3 are taking their new soil in stride and are growing more everyday. The Ocean Forest/Happy Frog Mix seems to be working well considering these little girls (praying) are only 2 weeks old. They look much healthier than my last grow. They are still in full sun from about 8am-2:30 then they come inside and go under the floros. I will be moving to a 18/6 light cycle starting tonight at 3 am. My big problem is that the floro fixture I have is cheap and wont start without me messing with the switch a few times. Almost have enough saved to buy a new light setup. well here are the pics and I will update again next sunday.
Lookin good man. I too am buying a 400hps later this month. I plan on vegging outdoors and bringing one or two in my garage and flowering while i wait for my ones outdoors to flowers in the late season. We'll see how that transitiion goes. Hopefully your light will hold out on breaking on you till you get you hps. Their looking good for 2 weeks man.

What kind of Flowering nutes you plan on buyin?
there lookin good for 2 weeks! i have a bagseed grow as well, my very first grow, i think its goin ok. i use sunlight and fluorescent, miracle gro soil.

Picture 029.jpgPicture 022.jpg
I wouldn't use miracle grow if I were you. It's worth the extra bucks to get Fox Farm Ocean Forest but hey everyone starts somewhere so good luck!
Thanks for all the comments guys, and here is my update for week 3. I have decided that the floros are just not enought so I have set up a spot in my back yard and I have been leaving them outside 24/7 now. The plants are recieving about 5-6 hours of full direct sunlight and the rest they are slightly shaded. It is starting to get hot out side during the day but, I think they can take it. If it starts to crest the mid 90's I will bring em inside for awhile. Still have not purchased my lights and now I think they are starting to outgrow their red cups, since growth has slowed a bit. I need to go buy more soil maybe hit the hydo store on the way home. I also need to get some neem oil since all I have been doing is spraying a perimeter of Raid Repellent around them to scare away any bug but, seems to be working. the two indicas seem to be stretched but, they have thick stems which leads me to believe its part of their pheno. Maybe they stretch then fill out. The big Sativa is doing beter than I expected. The struggler has recovered from nute burn but, growth was slowed big time but, its catching up. I have since been Foiler Feeding with full strength Thrive Alive B1 Green from tecna flora once a week. Still no nutes just straight R/O water. I am starting to think that if I end up with more than two females I am going to abandon the scrog and instead Just prune them and FIM them so I get som e huge colas. I may still stick with the scrog just not there yet. Enough of my babble here are the pics, let me know how I am doing. :peace:
Thanks for all the comments guys, and here is my update for week 3. I have decided that the floros are just not enought so I have set up a spot in my back yard and I have been leaving them outside 24/7 now. The plants are recieving about 5-6 hours of full direct sunlight and the rest they are slightly shaded. It is starting to get hot out side during the day but, I think they can take it. If it starts to crest the mid 90's I will bring em inside for awhile. Still have not purchased my lights and now I think they are starting to outgrow their red cups, since growth has slowed a bit. I need to go buy more soil maybe hit the hydo store on the way home. I also need to get some neem oil since all I have been doing is spraying a perimeter of Raid Repellent around them to scare away any bug but, seems to be working. the two indicas seem to be stretched but, they have thick stems which leads me to believe its part of their pheno. Maybe they stretch then fill out. The big Sativa is doing beter than I expected. The struggler has recovered from nute burn but, growth was slowed big time but, its catching up. I have since been Foiler Feeding with full strength Thrive Alive B1 Green from tecna flora once a week. Still no nutes just straight R/O water. I am starting to think that if I end up with more than two females I am going to abandon the scrog and instead Just prune them and FIM them so I get som e huge colas. I may still stick with the scrog just not there yet. Enough of my babble here are the pics, let me know how I am doing. :peace:

Those look like they are ready to go into some bigger containers for sure! :) Nice ladies!
Hey guys sorry for the long wait, I have made some big changes in my grow set up since my last update. I went to home depot and got some 1/2" pvc and built a small A-Frame style Greenhouse for my back yard. i used 2.5 mil plastic so it provides just enough security from the prying eyes but still allows for a lot of sun. The plants are still in red cups for about another few days. I will be picking up some more OF and HF this Friday. I also decided to do a variety grow. Today I went through and pruned of dead leaves and for strains number one and 3 I FIM'd them both just above the 5th node. I also took Strain 2 and used uncle Ben's Topping Technique. For strain one Begining next week I am going to start the scrog training. I have the screen built, and am going to add some castor wheels so the entire scrog set up is completly mobile. The small strain or #4 as I call it is still growing slowly but, getting more busy so I am guessing it is the genetics. Been having some problems with Insects this year so I have been using

Ortho EcoSense Insecticidal Soap which is organic and seems to be helping. I also been having some N Def on strain #'s 2 and 3 but not sure why. I am not feeding them anything but the soil should carry enough food for them. I would say overall they are doing good, starting to notice alot of growth out of each of the nodes now, probably all will be nice and bushy by next sunday. I still do not know the sex which is why I am iffy about the scrog but, I need to start because it is getting to tall to train under a screen. I will post some pics soon.

Upon Closer inspection this morning I am noticing some slight problems that hopefully wont cause more issues down the line. In the third pic you can see the insect damage but, The organic insecticidal soap I am using is working and the damage is not getting any worse. Leave me some feed back. Will Update again Tomorrow after I retunr from the hydro store and the Organic Nursery.
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Those look like they are ready to go into some bigger containers for sure! :) Nice ladies!

I actually planted one in the bag so far. The other three, I puled the root ball out of the cup and there is still plenty of room for them to stretch but, The roots look healthy, not as white and fat as I would like.
Ok, well its the end of week 5 and here are some updates. I went to an organic nursery today, purchased a big bag of FFOF and HF as well as some, High N Bat Guano, Alaska Fish Emulsion, Organic worm castings and some molasses. The girl was def a stoner and knew exactly what i needed. She hooked me up with a good flowering tea called BUDSWELL and it was only 2.50 a lb. I also bought some alpine strawberrys and a cherry tomato plant. Got home and got to work mixing the soils with a little added worm castings for good luck. I also began brewing my organic tea which by the way smells like SHIT. Transplanted all the MJ plants as well as the berrys and tomatoes into their final growing mediums. I did not water them much because tomorrow night they all get a soil drench of tea and hopefully I will see some improvment on the K def i am having. I noticed that 2 others are showing as well. I decided to Cank the Scrog Idea only for the reason that I waited to long to begin training and all the plants are too tall. I guess I will just have to deal with 2-4 mega colas per plant instead of a bunch of med colas. I also bought a Thermometer and Hygro for the green house and thank god I did. Where I live it is starting to warm up and my highest temp in the green house today was 106F which is insane so, I have elvated the fan for better airflow as well as adding many more vents. This has really become an outdoor grow but unfortunatly I will have to flower indoors but, it could be a blessing in disguise because, I wont have to worry about enviromental factors as much. Thanks for reading and leave some comments. I am also going to beging posting daily temp and humidty updates

Morning: 61 F 63%
Afternoon: 106F 67%
Evening: 63F 57%
