Al-Qaeda offers Paid Vacation


Well-Known Member
Al-Qaeda offer paid vacations.

Some of you will be old enough to remember a T.V. Show called Get Smart. In that show the "good guys" are called Control and the Enemy is called "Chaos."
One of the inside jokes between the conflicts between agents of Control and Chaos was to compare Benefit Packages..

Well even Al-Qaeda is corporate with Osama having a major role in corporatization of the "Terrorist" organization.

Source NPR Morning Edition news report 5-31-2011

Seems Married "Terrorists" get 7 days paid vacation for every three weeks worked. Only 5 days a month vacation if you are single tho...

How funny to think Al-Qaeda is corporate.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
well when you think about it...asides from a fucked up religoius belief...thier not much diff than a Us or Can soldier who gets a payed leave. At the end of the day they are not much diff lol

the married guys prolly more time to go home and make more baby hadji suicide bombers LOL the single guy gets screwed cuz he has no ass to tap, no babies to make so he goes back to the front and hates us infidels even


Well-Known Member
IT is obvious they would have this by now, since they already have hundreds if not thousands of sleeper agents in the US learning our traits and customs...


Well-Known Member
Not surprised. Bin Laden family is after all the richest entrepreneurs in Saudia Arabia. The religious beliefs only add the confidence behind the things they do. The real fight is in defense of their lands and their people.