Alaskan Ice x1


Well-Known Member
Nothing i post on these forums is traceable back to me, unless i give something away in my pics.

I use an unregistered mobile phone plugged into my pc to dial up :lol: i love it!

ohhh nice..... think about that one twice :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
What ya mean mate? I can be traced? i dont see how.

I am sure if they wanted to they would get you ^^

But they dont care about us little growers with 2 square meters :D

They only care about these big huge guys growing 2'000 plants on 100 square meters and shit like that ^^



Well-Known Member
I am sure if they wanted to they would get you ^^

But they dont care about us little growers with 2 square meters :D

They only care about these big huge guys growing 2'000 plants on 100 square meters and shit like that ^^

Yea if they really want to im sure they can, but the best i can see them doing is tracing the rough area that the mobile phone is transmitting from, im pretty sure they cant pinpoint the exact location. theres nothing on my computer with my name, or any of my details, not my real name anyway lol

Iv heard the details that you give when signing up for your e-mail account can be the easiest thing they trace you by, so i use an e-mail that you dont need to give any details for.


Well-Known Member
Ok man I dont know if I should be happy I found this thread or fuckin pissed lol. Ive been growing Alaskan Ice since 9/19. The link is in my signature. Check it out. Ill be puting some new pics up in a little. Hope you like the pics. I have 3 going right now. One of mine also came up and had its seed shell still on it and i thought it would push it off but didnt so I had to remove it. Its growing slightly slower then the other just because the first leaves werent perfect and didnt start as early but im sure she will get bigger soon. Check them out and leave me some comments cause this thread has like 12 pages and mine has 2 but my plants are farther along. I just dont get it lol. Hope your grow goes good also.