Alice In Wonderland (Tim Burton) + Psychedelics?


Active Member
Im seein it loaded an on shrooms i seen star trec shroomin hella hard with my mom sitting nxt to me the whole time lol

Sr. Verde

dude.. that must have been sketchy! Is she cool with that? lol

Yeah man thats what im thinkin

At the theater [Avatar 3D] crammed up between a full crowd of people me and my brother are just laughing our asses off, we couldn't help it though we were trippin pretty hard :eyesmoke:

When the 12 foot tall blue chick held the 5 foot 10 cripple guy and put the air mask on him I whispered over to my brother, "Man, talk about a hot dog down a hallway huh?" This asian guy next to us must have heard it because he just burst out laughing for a half second and then stifled his laughter...

Then we tried calming ourselves down, like, "*deep breath of air* okay, okay... hehehe, okay... seriously... heheh..............................HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH!!!" and then my bro starts laughing again... for like 3 minutes in a full theater lol very awkward

I could NOT do that shit sitting next to someone I know, like my mom lol it'd be impossible for them not to know


Well-Known Member
Weed Brownies for sure over here. Putting an ounce of amazing nug in them.:leaf:
Make sure you stock up on mad munchies. If you're like me, and go with your wifey load up on shit in her purse! :)
Shit, the price you pay for goodies at a movie can buy you a 1/2 of shrooms and 1\8 of some good nugs.;)


Psychedelics and Chronic

Well-Known Member
I'm joining the hate swag band wagon. I wish I wouldn't have dicked around on my shroom grow so I would have some for this movie. But if it stays in theaters as long as Avatar did I might just make it. Unless something else comes around, but that is unlikely.
I know how you feel man. Didn't have any vermiculite and was just being lazy. Now that I realize how soon this movie is coming out I just got some verm the other day so am starting a new grow tomorrow. Hopefully it stays in theaters for a month or more. If I have to I'll eat them fresh. Getting some 2c-p in the next week or so but I haven't done it and I hear it can be pretty visual so I don't know if I'd be a good idea. I don't want to miss out on the whole movie. I will definitely try it a few times first before even deciding this...but by then my mushies will prolly be done. I just hope I can find some cid quick cause I'd rather do that there. I'll prolly end up trading some 2c-p with my friend for some cid if he gets it soon enough.

I was thinking though. I might just not smoke for 2-3 weeks before I go to see it and smoke a volcano at my house, and a blunt on the way to the theater. That's if I don't get cid, the 2c-p doesn't sound like a good idea, and if the shrooms will take longer.

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
I was thinking though. I might just not smoke for 2-3 weeks before I go to see it and smoke a volcano at my house, and a blunt on the way to the theater. That's if I don't get cid, the 2c-p doesn't sound like a good idea, and if the shrooms will take longer.
A tolerance break, some potent edibles and a few hits of good pot before walking into the theater would definitely make for a good experience.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
friend just got a sheet called alice in wonderland... definetely trying to get my hands on it
oh jesus..

last valentine's I got some "Valentine's Bud", easter I had the "Easter Bunny Bud", christmas we always get the "Star of Bethlehem" ;-) lol.

I'm just playin :-D


Well-Known Member
my friend had one tab said he has never tripped so hard before, i kno it could be just like a made up name but the paper does have mad hatters on them so... it could be legiT? he also said he tripped for 12 hours on 1 tab


Oracle of Hallucinogens
my friend had one tab said he has never tripped so hard before, i kno it could be just like a made up name but the paper does have mad hatters on them so... it could be legiT? he also said he tripped for 12 hours on 1 tab
it could be legit.. or it could be rc's. lol.


Well-Known Member
From all the reports in the RC world, they're just as good as lsd, molly etc... they have made there impression in the psych world and the people have voted for it to stay! ;)


Well-Known Member
by just reading around i can tell alot of people like and dislike them, however i believe theyre new to the industry thus making me not want to experiment with