Alice's cheapo practice grow


Well-Known Member
My first grow was under a bathroom counter with 2 24 inch floro tubes. I intentionally left the male plat I got so that i could watch the whole life cycle of the plants and understand them better. It was a silly little project that got no usable bud, but a great experiance. Then I got a 1k light, and some 5 gallon pots, and stepped it up, with great results and a nice harvest. You gotta start someplace, just be smart about how you do it.

Edit: Also I hope when you say partner you mean as in girl friend, because having a growing partner is just asking for trouble. Just my 2 cents but I've seen it happen to many times, 90% of the time things fall apart.


Well-Known Member
Hey Alice,

I don't do soil so I can't give you advice for the best way to experiment without making an investment. As you read, you're going to figure out that even an experiment requires lights, temperature control, odor control, ventilation and nutrients. But you definitely can get away with very few purchases for an experiment. Check out the DIY section for suggestions on how to build as much of what you need as you can.

As for the cups, I was going to suggest you just walk by a park, a frat house, a pizza parlor, etc, anywhere they may be some plastic cups lying around. But then I read through and saw it's not that you can't afford cups per se, it's just that you can't get them right this minute.

Thundercat's tale of trying it out first, then knowing what to buy, is a good one!

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
U can get used plots at most nurseries for pennies. U need three qt pots and five gal pots. Each might cost .50 cents for the 5 gallon.


yeah, if you go inside to mcd's and ask for a cup of water, they'll probably give you one of their sunday cups for free, which are easy to put holes in and much safer then cutting into a soda can. Other things that work well are yogurt cups, applesauce cups etc.

another great way to save some money and get good soil is to take a five gallon bucket to a landscape supply place and tell them you want some topsoil to experiment with. Most of them will sell you some for much cheaper then a bag from home depot.

stay safe. aluminum cans can get sharp


Well-Known Member
Good Luck, It is a learning experience and different folks learn differently. You have the right attitude. I read RUI a lot before I try something ie: germinating, topping, harvest ;) I dig doing the McGuyver in the grow room. IMO you always need a drainable container, too many problems without. And how are you going to get your girls outa the baby food jars ?