Aliens Exist. Arecibo Radio Signal Sent Back.


Well-Known Member
Well I dont know bout crop circles or that message...but anyone who thinks we are the only planet with life is a complete naive moron. Theres billions of planets out there and who knows how many earth like planets out there that would support life...but who is to say our rules of life apply to all? Just cuz on earth water and oxygen and carbon are three of the main biggest elements of life doesnt mean on another planet it is nitrogen or Methane or w/e....Life is very resellient and I there are definitly other life forms out there and also I very highly doubt we are the only intellegent life forms out there.... Who is also to say that 200 million years ago their wasnt some other form of intellegent life? Who is to say dinosaurs were not smart? Who is to say there wasnt a smart Fish or something?....we dont know wtf is out there or has been out there...we base everything we "Think" we know on what is now...we assume that all animals in the past or life forms are stupid animals when in fact there could easily have been an intellegent life form....look at took us over a million years to get where wer at now....and we only really started advancing in the last couple hundred years...the 4,000 years before that we advanced very slowly and primitivly...and the million+ years before that we were nothing but cavement with sticks and stones. Einstien said "I know not what weapons world war 3 will be fought with but I do know world war 4 will be fought with sticks and stones" but ya.....thats my opinion anyway.



New Member
Aliens are real.

We dont need to make contact because theyre already here. Dont u know about all the ppl who have been abducted, all the UFO sightings, crop circles and cattle mutilations? Or what about Dulce Base? Bermuda and Dragons Triangles? And first contact was a LONG time ago, thousands of years to be exact. U have to understand that aliens are much more advanced then us, and we as humans cant even begin to comprehend the things they could possibly do. They can most likely see more spectrums of light, more wavelengths, sound, etc. Most of the things that are going around us humans, we cant even really sense. Just look at one very simple example, dogs. They can smell and hear things that we never could, to us those things dont exist, and those are things on this planet. What do u think that aliens could be capable of?

If u didnt know, time has been proven to be an illusion. I dont remember all of it, but time only exists in one place. We live in like the 3rd dimension, and they are actually close to 12. There is literally endless possiblilities with all of that. Back on the topic of aliens, its very simple. If u are an inteligent person, u would at least admit that its more than likely there is other inteligent life out there. There is millions of other galaxies at least, billions of other starts, many billions of other planets. Look at the odds and its more than likely there is MUCH inteligent life out there. Earth is the only planet in our solar system that has inteligent life (last I heard) but that means 1 of 8. If those are the odds, there is many planets like ours out there that support inteligent life. They just have to be a similar distance away from the sun and a similar climate to support life like us. But they dont have to be exactly like us, life can develop in other ways. As I said before, there is an invisible world around us that we cant even see. Close to 90% of whats going on around us we dont even know its there. Its possible that a lot of things exist in that space, ghosts, etc. Aliens may be able to enter there, some say they can travel through dimensions. And abou the time and speed stuff, that doesnt really matter. Aliens are probably much more advanced and have no problem bending those laws. Some say that aliens use frequencies for their transportation, they can travel to very far distances in nearly an instant. And u also have to understand that all aliens wouldnt be the same. There would be aliens that are less advanced than others, and more advanced ones. I researched this stuff a lot.


Well-Known Member
Some stuff out there is fake to the max. Be careful what you search for.

And I highly doubt that you would be able to see alien spacecrafts if they have such advanced and complex technology to travel here. I find it hard to believe that they would stick bright ass lights around their ships so everyone can see them at night. These UFO's are most likely new aircrafts being built that are yet to be announced to the public.

Again, if these aliens managed to travel here, they obviously have very advanced technology. Which means they are probably very intelligent, so they should be smart enough to be completely stealth while scouting our planet.


Active Member
For me, the jury is still out on whether or not aliens have visited us. I do have some questions, though.

Dont u know about all the ppl who have been abducted, all the UFO sightings, crop circles and cattle mutilations?
Like, for example, what would aliens be doing mutilating cattle? I mean, if they wanted to do experiments on them or something, wouldn't they fix them up when they wanted to put them back? Or just not put them back?

And crop circles, again, I couldn't imagine the purpose (in my ignorance of alien culture).

Both of these things imply messing with our food source. Not exactly a kind and socially-neutral effect, eh? If they're doing these things, then maybe aliens aren't so interested in positive race relations.

They can most likely see more spectrums of light, more wavelengths, sound, etc.
Why? Why would they necessarily so physiological advanced? I think our eyesight evolved on our planet because of the range of frequencies of light that comes from our sun. It would be hard to speculate that it would be much different on another planet. I suppose I could believe they would be more intellectually endowed, though... having space-travel technology and all. Please explain their physiological prowess.

If u didnt know, time has been proven to be an illusion.
I guess I didn't hear about that. I mean, I know that because of relativity, time doesn't have the property of simultaneity and some other stuff. After all, time is an important component of everything from chemical reactions (like hitting that bowl) to physical interactions (like playing pool) and even our perceptions...We tend to remember the past and have expectations of the future. I don't think it's an illusion, it just operates differently than our minds generally perceive.

Sorry for the long post, but I'm honestly interested in some rational explanations for some of these inconsistencies.


Well-Known Member
Why? Why would they necessarily so physiological advanced? I think our eyesight evolved on our planet because of the range of frequencies of light that comes from our sun. It would be hard to speculate that it would be much different on another planet.

Yes, in the 3D world eye sight will develop similarly but you cant use your 3d eyes to see other dimensions, not because they dont exist but because we are 3d.

imagine you were 2d, you wouldn't be able to see anything 3d, just slices of the object, same goes from 3d to 4d.

and yes this means some aliens live in other dimensions.