alittle outdoor time for my plants


Active Member
i am groing 4 seedlings in my closet under some cfls and have been growing them for 13 days now.Just today it was sunny outside and decided to put my plants outside to get some fresh air and was concerned if this will stress the plants because of environment change.the day only last about 12 hours but as soon as the sun falls i will bring the plants inside again and countinue giving them light.


Well-Known Member
I don't see anything wrong with that as long as the temperature and humidity are fine. It would provide fresh air and great light, so it's probably a good idea. Just be very careful not to bring pests inside with it...when you leave it outside, leave it on a porch or something if you can, not right on the ground.


Active Member
thanks alot,i am seeing better growth in the plants too.I also plan to flower the plants out doors in febuary would that work?


Well-Known Member
Um not where I live haha. It's like 20 degrees out and super windy. That depends fully on your location, so I have no idea. Are you southern hemisphere? or just somewhere where it never gets very cold?


Active Member
i live in texas and the sun comes up around 8 a.m and settles at 6.30 pm.Ive tried growing outdoors before be it was a unsucessful bececasue the days were too hot and i like it was getting stressed too much.But im doing these 4 plants indoors till they hit 1 foot then ill take them out side to flower.I would do them inside but im not gonna get my hps right now because cash is low and i dont know if buying a few soft white cfls will be a waist of money since im gonna get a hps in a few mounths.


Well-Known Member
Umm yea I would give outdoors a shot, in that case. Just water (when there's not sufficient rain) and keep giving them nutes. If you have a very secret location, then I would recommend transplanting into 5 gallon buckets outdoors (big, but that's the point- you could end up with monsters). That way you control the soil, watering, and nutes better than if you just put them in the natural soil.

If you can't do that, then just transplant them into the soil and keep watering/giving nutes and they ought to flower once they are mature enough (since there is less than 12 hours of light). Get the hps later when you can rather than buying temporary cfls.


Active Member
if i was to start flowering in febuary will the following mounths provide the right climate for the buds to mature.


Active Member
dont know its just a bag seed.Looks like a pure stativa plant because the last one i grew had the thin leaves.Hopefully it will produce good buds im not to sure about the high becasue ive heard that stativa are mostly a head high i like the body highs.


Well-Known Member
Okay well assume you put it outdoors February 1. That means the 12 week mark (sativas usually take 10+ weeks to flower) would be April 25. You tell me if it's the right climate during that time period (I don't know anything about Texas climate other than it's hot as balls):
1) Do the temperatures stay reasonable through April? (above 90 generally heat stresses plants...can be higher for sativas, but you never really know)
2) How long are the days in April (longer than 12 or 13 hours a day will cause a problem)? (You can look up the sunrises/sunsets it)

That'll pretty much give you your answer. I'd give it a shot...if it works, you'll be a very happy dude. If not, you only lost 4 plants and you can hopefully get your hps before than and do fully indoors. Good luck.

Chronic Connoisseur

Well-Known Member
i wouldnt do it. never bring plants from outside back inside. especially if you have other indor plants. and even if you dont. your are more than likely to get some sort of pest prob.


Active Member
how about those cloudy and rainy days will the darkness effect the plant or is there still sun that passes threw the clounds to the plant.


Active Member
I've been taking my seedlings outside for fresh air and sunlight myself. The growth and health of them is still remarkable to me every time I come back and see the progression. Mother Earth at her finest.


Active Member
when i start flowering them outside i plan on leaveing them outside till harvest.But what if during flowering theres a whole week when its cloudy and raining what would be the best thing to do.How can i leave the plant out side without getting the soil soaked every few days and without the sun?will the plants still get some light threw the clounds to countine flowering?


Well-Known Member
Well, think about wasn't always grown clearly mother earth can do a fine job with it. That being said, you are basically putting yourself at the mercy of nature when you put them outdoors. Yes, there is potential for massive downpours or a drought or something to kill your plants...but that's a risk you take growing outdoors. A drought you can fix by bringing them water...endless downpours may drown them, and there's nothing you can do. As for the clouds; is it pitch black whenever it gets cloudy? No, plenty of light still gets through, so that definitely won't kill your plants. Disease and pests (insects and/or larger animals) are your biggest potential problems though. Those are the things you should worry about.

Go for outside and do the best you can. If it doesn't work out so well, then go fully indoors for your next grow.

Oh and what size pots are they in? If you're just gonna keep them in their pots outside, then you want at least 3 gallons (and I'd recommend 5 gal for really nice plants).


Well-Known Member
i am groing 4 seedlings in my closet under some cfls and have been growing them for 13 days now.Just today it was sunny outside and decided to put my plants outside to get some fresh air and was concerned if this will stress the plants because of environment change.the day only last about 12 hours but as soon as the sun falls i will bring the plants inside again and countinue giving them light.
i would keep them were they are, plants dont like been moved about, if you want more growth keep under flo;s 24/0 for vegg.
dont swap from outdoor to indoor, different temps, ect..
plants dont like change.
there set in there ways.


Active Member
this week was the beingning of the veg phase and they seem to be growing okay but i would think they would be bigger.Today it was a cool and sunny day so i left them outside for a little bit then put them back indoors.the plants on the left is showing some signs of yellowing but the veins are still green.



Well-Known Member
Uh those links didn't work for me. Says I don't have permission (you probably set them as private or something). Pics would be great though.


Active Member
how big do plants actually gotta be before flowering because i want to start as soon as possible.Im not really worried about how much yeild im gonna get because im not gonna smoke it anyway.These are just practiceing trials to prepare me for the future when i will be doing a major indoor grow.