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Trichy Bastard

Well-Known Member
anybody know what's going on here? this has been happening the last few nights with this plant. Leaves seem to level out during the day. 1 week into bloom.

View attachment 2151874

I started a thread on it if anybody wants the full details... click:
I replied to your thread, my first guess is overwatering. Try letting her dry out more before lights out and see what happens. Let me know as i am curious. I have seen this before, but can't remember if this was all it was or not.


Active Member
i realize this is all in another thread... but hell... here it is as well.

Here's the same plant but from 10 minutes ago... 8 hours after the first picture was taken:

View attachment 2152103

Back to normal. I think the plant is stressing me out more than I am stressing the plant out... which means stop stressing out, the plant is doing fine.


Well-Known Member
I replied to your thread, my first guess is overwatering. Try letting her dry out more before lights out and see what happens. Let me know as i am curious. I have seen this before, but can't remember if this was all it was or not.
my first guess was "sleep" ... second over watering for sure.

i realize this is all in another thread... but hell... here it is as well.

Here's the same plant but from 10 minutes ago... 8 hours after the first picture was taken:

View attachment 2152103

Back to normal. I think the plant is stressing me out more than I am stressing the plant out... which means stop stressing out, the plant is doing fine.
Now that i see the plant , i am almost positive it is just sleeping in the morning when she is still drooping like that. that is one healthy lookin bitch when she raises.

i have only seen a couple species sleep to that extreme but i have seen it. and scientifically , i have no idea what its really doing , i have just seen it enough times to call it "sleep"



Well-Known Member
MBP , what do you mean floor safe?
as in no air flow and rh rising to 70 ?

just for the fuck of it i would like to see if she still sleeps like she in on xanax after about a week of sleeping in the same conditions she is growing in.
if you have always done this with no probs , i wouldnt worry about it.



Active Member
floor safe: I mean from 6 am to 6 pm it is in my grow room. from 6 pm to 12 am it is in a large safe which I'm temporarily using as a dark room ( the grow light is still on in my grow room til midnight because I'm growing, not blooming, 4 more plants). from 12 am on its back in the grow room. So... yeah for 6 hours at night the air flow is very limited. I haven't checked, but for those 6 hours, I'm pretty sure the humidity rises to over 70%. There is a second plant that goes into that large safe at the same time... no problems with that one. i'm 99% sure it isn't over watering. some people water their coco several times a day. I do it every other day (every third day while vegging). I'm also using coco piece coir which drains much better than regular coco coir.


Well-Known Member
floor safe: I mean from 6 am to 6 pm it is in my grow room. from 6 pm to 12 am it is in a large safe which I'm temporarily using as a dark room ( the grow light is still on in my grow room til midnight because I'm growing, not blooming, 4 more plants). from 12 am on its back in the grow room. So... yeah for 6 hours at night the air flow is very limited. I haven't checked, but for those 6 hours, I'm pretty sure the humidity rises to over 70%. There is a second plant that goes into that large safe at the same time... no problems with that one. i'm 99% sure it isn't over watering. some people water their coco several times a day. I do it every other day (every third day while vegging). I'm also using coco piece coir which drains much better than regular coco coir.
sure its not underwatering? that would only be the case if you water every morning and that would be the cause of them rising vs sleeping. i think its just sleep.



Active Member
yeah... they are "sleeping" and waking" regardless of water cycle. it seems to sleep every night and wake every day as soon as the lights turn on. I water an hour or so after the lights are turned on. At that time, the plant has already perked back up. Well... whatever is happening doesn't seem to be affecting the overall health of the plant. I flushed the plant last night just to be safe and re-nuted this morning... and am ready to move on. we'll see what happens tonight.


Active Member
@6.5 weeks. Starting to get close. I've already plucked a few little buds off and speed dried them... they work! Success! I've been out of weed for 3 weeks now. Ick.



as usual... a few dog hairs in there.