All out!!!


Active Member
fuck.. overshare the stash.. and now there is nothing left after getting off of work.. anybody else tapped dry?


Active Member
haha fuckin figures.. if i didnt have bills to pay id go buy a nice little bag and have myself a j.. it's gonna be an extremely long.. sober week


Well-Known Member
haha I'm just kidding dude. I was struggling last week. It's messed up how even a couple hits just gets you in such a better mood. You'll be there soon.


Active Member
it's the bank's fault damn it! fuckin tricky ass fine printing SOBs!! i usually don't even care about it man.. i just like to come home from a long shift.. chill n get ill like a few times a week.. but i was feelin it all day today, and my girl had to smoke what was left of the roach.. new rule.. we can only smoke together!!


Well-Known Member
it's the bank's fault damn it! fuckin tricky ass fine printing SOBs!! i usually don't even care about it man.. i just like to come home from a long shift.. chill n get ill like a few times a week.. but i was feelin it all day today, and my girl had to smoke what was left of the roach.. new rule.. we can only smoke together!!
yeah man, the last one we can only smoke together ;)

Thats like when nothings around anymore ! My girls like i wana smoke my own, i'm like okey fine... * bitch* then she gets what she wants.... she never understands that weed runs out sometimes and it has to be collected aswell ;)

^^ rofl :peace::joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
yeah man, the last one we can only smoke together ;)

Thats like when nothings around anymore ! My girls like i wana smoke my own, i'm like okey fine... * bitch* then she gets what she wants.... she never understands that weed runs out sometimes and it has to be collected aswell ;)

^^ rofl :peace::joint::peace:
i could send you some uncured fan


Well-Known Member
bro i have been out for a week goin on 2 so i know the pain. thank god im getting my tax refund back in a few days.*sigh*



Active Member
FUCK YEA!! fuckin ace.. just got my tax return check..and i'm more toasted than a witch at the stake.. thank you US government for getting me fucked up!

Todays letter is 3.. as in how many joints i smoked today...:joint::joint::joint: :hump: