Almost finished?


Well-Known Member
this is a random dro seed from some badass dro. she was vegged for about 2 weeks and put on 12/12 till she flowered with the other two girls. fed with botanicare nutrients and planted in fox farm happy frog soil. grown under cfls. lemme know what u guys think on how long she has left. Im wanting to cut the top half hopefully in the next five days or so.

I also added a pic of the big bud and mazar i have going as well.


Well-Known Member
yeah them are ready no doubt almost all its hairs have changed looks like it has a milky and amber tint to the crystals another sure way to tell is notice the leaves on the top cola are curled up that is a good sign that its ready they look good and i'm sure will smoke great


Active Member
they look done to me man... what do the trics look like?......either way looks like some AWSOME SMOKE MAN!!!!! great job!!


Well-Known Member
in my opinion, you would be fine to chop now or in five days whatever ....but another 10 days maybe two weeks would finish it i think.


Well-Known Member
The trichs have some patches of amber and most of them are milky. Id say 80/20 (milky/amber) thanks for all the replies