Alright folks I NEED SOME HELP


Active Member
What up all. Im an avid reader and not to frequents poster.
After many good reads I finally bought a Digital GreenHouse 600w HPS from HTG
I have spent all day hookin a 6" grow bright inline fan up in the attic runnin all the ducting and just basically hooking everything up!
so finally after I get everything hooked up flush and nice I plug the bitch in and the fan works, the speed control works, the ballast turns on cuz i can hear the fan in it working. However the damn light doesnt turn on.
Now i know it says these take a moment to "warm up" but im talking absolutly nothing after like 3 minutes, flicker or nothing. Bulb looks fine however im no bulb genius. Socket hooked is all wired fine.
Does anyone have one of these? Do they really like take 5 min to turn on????
Anyone with anykind of input would be greatly appreciated as im pullin my frickin hair out!


Well-Known Member
dang man that sux, idk what it could be , but it does sound like the light may have burnt out or maybe got shook up. lights arent that expensive tho. but where ever u bought it from , hope u got the receipt tho.