Am I a drunk


Active Member
Yea Your a Drunk i Agree with CrackerJax though you have other issues it seems. I frown upon people like you get some Guts suck it up and live life. Siting at home drinking beer every night is for losers.


New Member
Well as a whole society is on one big drinking binge. We like to party with a depressant.... non-sense.

I don't think he is a loser tho. He is burying something, but alcohol is addictive.

out. :blsmoke:


i used to drink like a half a case a night, i was an alchollic cokehead though, i went to rehab, i wouldnt worry about 4 beers a night, i still drink that sometimes


Active Member
yea drinkin rubbing alcohol is a bit much. i am in the same boat though. i drink about the same way because i have fuckin piss tests at work. i still need a little something b/c i cant smoke the weed everyday. but dude you might have problems. did ya get the rubbin alcohol out, hold it up, smell it, and contemplate? if so, check your dumbass.


Well-Known Member
Id say yeah, but definitely a mild one. My uncle would have 3 in the morning before going to work.


Well-Known Member
I would LOVE to see you guys handle drinking pints!!! 3 beers and your drunk? at 300 pounds??? shame on you!!! i dont drink but at 195 pounds i can drink maybe 6 rums, or 6 beers without getting drunk!!! yeah i feel it but drunk is whaen youre talking shit and stumbling!!!

Yes it is a problem, you are not a drunk but you have a dependence!!! you can be an alcoholic on 1 or 2 beers a night, its that routine that you get in. it wont have the same hold as if you were a proper wino though...


Well-Known Member
omg i just went on the scales and im 180!!! im not even small!! you guys are seriously BIG!!!!! im built like wayne rooney lol n everyone says he's fat


Well-Known Member
Drink 8 every night for a week And if you have a job youll think again bout gettin rat assed The Night Before ...reverse psychology


Well-Known Member
You are not an alchoholic,once u reach the stage of my 'relatives' in Katherine,AUS, whom drink a bottle of port before 8AM 7 days a week, and who:sadly a true story; If that bottle of port is spilled will drink the liquid mopped up and strained into a filthy bucket.
That sadly is one of the more tame stories,its a poor aboriginal community u see so watever will anebriate u is good enuf. Sad but true.
P.S i guarantee im more drunk than u atm. ;)


Active Member
Hard to say if your an alcholic? But it says something if you are questiong yourself!It seems that you think something is wrong or you would'nt of even thought to post something.Theres help out there.Look into it and find out.Goodluck


Well-Known Member
I was a drunk, Im glad to say I dont drink anywhere like I used to. I barely drink now , But On vacation and special events I'll kick back a few beers or a few rum and pepsi..


Well-Known Member
Used to drink a 12 pack a night. Did that for about 10 years. One day my dad ask me if I thought about it when I drank like that. "Do you think your an alcoholic?" I had been thinking about it. His question was the only one and he let it go. He basically told me with that, that he saw an alcoholic in front of him. I decided to quit for a while and have not had it since. That was 14 years ago. About 6 months after I quit, I figured out that I had something that had been bothering me since I was a teenager.

Over the last decade, I thought about some things. I realized that if I was asking myself if I was drinking too much, I probably was. If you are asking the question, then a part of you is trying to tell you something.

CrackerJax is right, it is the reason more than the habit that you need to look at.