Am I doing something wrong with Sunshine Mix #4


Active Member
So I'm used to growing in Fox Farms with no problems this grow I decided to go with Sinshine Mix #4. I put my germinated seeds in the mix with some dolomite lime and a week later my seedlings are slow moving. 4 made it above soil (out of the 8 planted) but for a week on two plants the same two non-serrated leaves are present the true leaves havent developed yet the other two plants are above soil but the seed hasnt fully come off and I've never seen it take a week to do this. Went and bought Fox Farms Seed Starter today because I know my previous grows my plants were more developped after a week of being above ground and being under 24 hour light. Going to put some more seeds in the FF seed starter and compare my results. I'm not expecting to have a tree after a week but I know in my previous two grows they weren't this slow moving.

Am I missing something is there something else I should add to the Sunshine Mix? Is the Sunshine Mix all it's really cracked up to be thinking of mixing it in with the Ocean Forest when I transplant and hopefully they wont take forever to become big enough to do that.