am i off base?


Pickle Queen
Urca do u appreciate anything? Most adults wake up a 5 am and communte between 1-2 hours to allow kids like urself to stay at home and not work while being educated, here's an idea muffin get a job, learn to drive and get a car, stop blamming everyone for ur lack of personal motivation. At ur age i was working full time, paying rent, walking 45 mins to the closes bus stop to get to my job, did not expect mommy to drive me anywhere unless she was not busy. Time to grow up and do things for urself :)


Well-Known Member
At first I thought you meant high school and was going to say take the bus and stop whining.

But then I learned that you're in college so now I say get a part time job and car and stop whining.

If you think life is hard now, you're in for a world of disappointment once you get out on your own.


Well-Known Member
Bucket on wheels: ~$1500.
Having the freedom to go where ever whenever: Priceless.

You complain a lot Urca about things you have direct control over. I don't get you.


Well-Known Member
so i just talked to my sister, and she said it was about me not being dependant on someone else, that it was time for me to grow up and accept responsibility and do what i had to do.
but.... wtf? she's never had to do all that to go where she needed to.

plus she said " we dont even have the house yet, and already you're bitching about having to walk."
fuck man, i swear these people just wanna fuck with me
You remind me of my sister,both useless and expect everything handed to them with no effort.