Am I ready to harvest yet?


Well-Known Member
This is a pic of my plant. I think it's about ready, but I wanted to get a couple outside opinions first. And what do you think will be my dry weight?

Many thanks in advance,



Well-Known Member
quick! smoke it!

p.s. Be sure and trim off those fan leaves, they will only give you a headache.


New Member
might sound crazzy..but i had one thats that size put little more stretched and its all purple with so many crystals...3 white hairs and one bright pink one...i d k already started flowerin..i mean i did leave it outside from seed for 4 weeks and stayed that size..smells like bud too...anyone have this happen b efore?


Well-Known Member
hahahahahaha ur a funny one, i'd give it a few more days, make sure you cure it or you wont recognise its full potential. i'd shoot for a 4 week cure if i were u.