Am I screwed?


Active Member
Im 19 and home for the summer from college so I decided to start a grow. Nothing big, just a try and practice for after college. I have 4 seedlings that need to be ready before college. I am growing them in my closet with a florescent desk lamp and 2 normal lamps. A few questions to determined if I should even bother or put them secluded in the small swamp to fend against the elements. With 4 seedlings, how much more light is going to be needed for them (I'm going low budget and cant really afford to install anything). I have a hard water conditioner that has some sulfur in it. I've been filtering the water through britas before giving it to the plants. The first time I tried growing, only 1 out of 7 seeds germinated and died shortly after becoming a seedling (overwatering i suspect). How much water does the average seedling need if in just a plastic cup with needle holes all over the bottom as drainage. Also I have been looking at the Sea of Green and since my closet is about 2' by 4', I think this is best for me (as I need to have my four plants out of soil by the end of August.

Is there enough time to actually have the plants produce anything?
Do I need to use drinking water over the tap I have?
Are 1 gallon jugs of water with the tops cut off big enough?
How much more lighting should I use?

I can keep the plants at the right temperatures and can hopefully mask the smell (I dont quite know how strong four plants douring flowering smell however). Has anyone ever attempted a grow this fast or is it undoable?


Active Member
i dont think u will have enough time, bring them with u to collage. minimum 1 20 watt clfs per plant 2 if u can 5 euro each . place a plastic basin out side for collecting rain water


Active Member
See my problem with that is its a small dorm room, my room mate might not want to take the risk of growing em in there (havnt even asked him @_@) and just getting them to college without getting cought might be a bit of an interesting affair. Im hoping to at least be able to get a few small buds I can call my own but it sounds like even a very small plant will be difficult to harvest.


New Member
just grow them on 12/12. you can pick up a timer for cheap...$5 at lowes. you should think about getting the biggest fluoros you can find. the experience will be fun. good luck


Active Member
wait so are you saying from the beginning i should use 12/12 so they will be ready in time? I just picked up 2k lumens 30 watter that fits in a normal lamp and its going now too. btw if anyone knows some tricks to get the plants to mature faster without necessarily growing to be huge plants it would help. I'm not looking to get a huge harvest, im just looking to get something :-P


Well-Known Member
when you go back to coll. just plant them outside somwhere and when you come back for x-mas harvest lol

well maybe sooner like holloween


Active Member
good idea wrld, ill probably do that if it looks like I wont have time. Alex the packaging didnt say, its a 100w compact florescent soft white by sylvania or however thats spelled.


Active Member
I believe for vegging you need "daylight" cfls. These should be >5000 Kelvin and show a blue color when they are on.

Good luck.


Active Member
they sound like my clfs 20 watt 1200 lumens there fine for veg shit for flowering but that idea of putting them out side is good if your climate is right. best of luck with you grow