amazon 600 watt HPS, what do u guys think of this company? 169.95


Active Member
I own the 600W Ipower..and love it! I went with that over the Apollo because I liked the hood vent over the cool tube...
($220 and free 2Day shipping w/ Amazon Prime...can't beat it with a stick!!)

.....dont let anyone tell you that the 600W was a mistake!! The 600W is more efficient! They put out more lumen per watt than the 1000W.
Lots of seasoned pros only buy the 600W HID lights because of this efficiency.
Who said the 600w was a mistake?? I know i never did..And thats a matter of opinion on the 600w over the 1000w. They are more efficient on power. But putting out more lumens per watt is BS. It all depends on your bulb, my 1000w bulbs put out 130 lumens per watt, where a lot of 600w bulbs put out 110 lumens per watt. It all depends on the bulbs for lumens, not the watts of the system.


Active Member
Thanks for the advice everyone, I'm still not sure, but I do like the cool tube idea so if I need to use it in the house I can, for now it's planned for outside


Active Member

600W HID gives you more lumes per matter what bulb of the same wattage...


600W 90,000 lumen
1000W 140,000 lumen

if you do the math....the 600 puts out more lumen for the wattage...making your power consumption more efficient.
On a larger scale it would be easily noticeable...
Small scale...not so much...but still there... it's just basic math...
about 15,000 lumen per 1000W favor of the 600W


Well-Known Member
I'm NO fan of capitalism but it seems churlish to roll your eyes at someone considering using Amazon when the very computer you/we use is produced by 'capitalist' companies. ... wheres the consistency?

What was the eye roll smiley aimed at?

What was my reason for posting?

Your response suggests you believe you have the answer to all three questions. I can assure you that my motivations will be beyond your ability to figure out through assumption, which is the only tool available to you. It is certainly not an example of churlishness - it is a meaningless icon on a screen, the only person imparting meaning to that is the 'individual' interpreting it. If I had used words then maybe that observation could be accurate, but again without understanding my motivation - which you don't - you cannot claim to be certain you are correct.

And the computer point is invalid and laughable in it's simplicity. Computers are a product of technological human development - not capitalism. Or are humanity and capitalism inseparable to your perception? I do not have to spend money to own and use a computer. Therefore it's use connects me in no way to capitalism.



Well-Known Member
Please, don't bring the cunt on the cross into it. Eh!

Being a free human I kinda don't like capitalism. :peace:
Then you must never shop at Walmart, eat at McDonald's or any fast food chain ever. You probably grow your own food too seeing as how grocery stores are all chains who drove mom and pop stores out of business in the great name of capitalism. How is living like that? I've always wanted to.


Well-Known Member
Then you must never shop at Walmart, eat at McDonald's or any fast food chain ever. You probably grow your own food too seeing as how grocery stores are all chains who drove mom and pop stores out of business in the great name of capitalism. How is living like that? I've always wanted to
We don't have Walmart over her (as much as they try and invade). I have stopped shopping at Tesco who are the closest we have (and actively protest against their unchecked expansion), and avoid all superstores if at all possible - as they value money above everything, something not acceptable to me. All my purchased food is bought from a store chain who have a clear and strict ethical sourcing policy - I have no choice in this, due as you mention to the impact of chain stores killing off small business . My parents grow their own vegetables and rear pigs, which provides me with much of my needs. I act critically with all my purchases.

I stopped eating fast food 5 years ago as an ethical and health based decision. MacDonald's who you mention sicken me with their actions as well as their food. None of the others are any better.

Kind of ironic that someone with The Legend as their avatar feels the need to defend Babylon. As someone emancipated from Babylonian slavery, I suggest you listen to the man's work and transcend from the need to attack others (albeit passively through ridicule).

And living like I do feels right to me. Ethical and responsible. Maybe show a bit of courage and try it yourself - you've always wanted to after all!