America's conservative backlash.


Well-Known Member
CheezyO the clan man...

The colored folks are free here in america, they can do what ever they want...Maybe you can use that burning cross to give the colored folks a pep talk, and then when you get it working for you, you can share your knowledge with Buck and the two of you can be super hero's..
colored folks?

holy shit, you are just unreal in your stupidity. second only to thecoolman.


Well-Known Member
True statement; Usually, once you go black, you're a single mother.
you claim to only innocently believe that your racism only consists of recognizing certain differences between races (which is not racism at all), and then you make comments like this that betray your not so innocent, prejudiced, and mean-spirited attitudes toward blacks.

not even judith reisman is that dumb.


Well-Known Member
there is nothing about being black that makes you more inclined to better or worse parenting.

you should stop trying to rationalize your racism and bigotry, because you do not have the impulse control to later hide your racism and bigotry.
I agree, the current crisis in the black community with their crazy high rates of single parents is due to liberals "helping" them.

Blacks have strong, great family traditionally. Nothing inherit about being black, its about the whole teach to fish, give a fish thing. Democrats have a plantation these days, and like the hotel california, you can check in, but you cant ever leave.


Well-Known Member
I agree, the current crisis in the black community with their crazy high rates of single parents is due to liberals "helping" them.

Blacks have strong, great family traditionally. Nothing inherit about being black, its about the whole teach to fish, give a fish thing. Democrats have a plantation these days, and like the hotel california, you can check in, but you cant ever leave.
then why do most people on food stamps and welfare get off of such assistance programs within a few years at most?


Well-Known Member
I think they have, unlike congressmen, term limits.

I know I cancelled mine even though I had 7 months left. The lady said I shouldn't.

I said no, there is a guy online who gives me shit for it, so they gotta go. Funny how I could afford to come off food stamps working at subway, eh?

I'm not half as racist as I let on, you just crack me up with how much you overreact to it, so I can't resist.

Truthfully, I'm part black. I have a black great grandmother. Her mom was a slave, that bought her freedom and married the half black son of her master. Pretty cool family story. Believe it or not I'm proud to be descended from her. Their family bible is in my uncles possession. Lots of cool things in it about her.


Well-Known Member
Still 6 times the national average. That there are more college students hardly excuses anything.

That is men and women. The national incarnation rate is nearly 500/100,000. For African Americans (I hate this phrase) it is over 3,000/100,000.

The reason I hate the phrase "African American", is that it assumes that others are native to the continent. You don't hear anyone ever say Caucasian American. Despite the fact that every last white person here is the descendant of an immigrant, it is everyone else who is referred to as something other than just "American". Even the natives.


Well-Known Member
Still 6 times the national average. That there are more college students hardly excuses anything.

That is men and women. The national incarnation rate is nearly 500/100,000. For African Americans (I hate this phrase) it is over 3,000/100,000.

The reason I hate the phrase "African American", is that it assumes that others are native to the continent. You don't hear anyone ever say Caucasian American. Despite the fact that every last white person here is the descendant of an immigrant, it is everyone else who is referred to as something other than just "American". Even the natives.
I detest that phrase as well. There are plenty of blacks that aren't from Africa and plenty of whites that are. PC nonsense at its finest.