America's true tyranny


Well-Known Member
great video, that should be news cycled and on a prime time loop, on every station...intill people can repeat the message, like how they know the lyrics to the creditreport dot com commercials.


Well-Known Member
That is an awesome idea.

Course, the media won't go for it, don't want their part in the big secret to get out.:roll:

Such a shame we lost Carlin, his finger-in-the-eye-of-arrogance is EXACTLY what we need now....... He will be missed.


New Member
George Carlin. One of my most favorite people ever. He told it like it was. I agree, it ought to be put on a loop and ran 24-7 so the people could figure it out. He was precisely right in this rant, there is a huge club of owners and we ain't in it. May he rest in Peace.


Well-Known Member
A Kindred Soul Indeed......but isn't he the work of the Devil :confused:

I'm joking...but that's the reality of this World (U.S.) we live in.

I do miss having his Voice :peace:


Well-Known Member
The funny thing is that what he said will happen just did happen. The government just bought everyone out and owns everything this recent Bailout covers...

Scary but true...but when the government calls in all the debts they own what will happen to those people? Technically they will be in bondage to the government and have no right to their own property, whether intellectual or material, if your in debt to the country you own nothing, They own it for you.

Just another way for them to use the masses as sheep and profit generators...


Well-Known Member
Yep, but what can we do?

Seriously, any ideas? Most of mine would prolly end in Ruby Ridge or Waco kind of thing. DOn't want that.

Doctor Pot

Well-Known Member
Yep, but what can we do?

Seriously, any ideas? Most of mine would prolly end in Ruby Ridge or Waco kind of thing. DOn't want that.
Probably just understand things better. I mean, if you wanted to go the whole anarchist route and rob banks and steal credit card numbers, you're not doing anyone else any favors either.