An FDA official secretly informs you of a looming food shortage; How do YOU prepare?


Well-Known Member
For some reason in these past few months,

I keep getting the feeling that there is going
to be a food shortage coming..... (By hyperinflation or just plain 'ole
bad farming conditions).

So, I've been thinking about how I can prepare for this
bout of bad times.

So far I've bought 2 gardening books, one indigenous to my area,
and one that gives you cheap ideas about gardening named "Dirt Cheap
Green Thumb".

I also plan to buy either "Back to Basics" or "Country Living"
Which instructs you on how to do things that most of
us have no idea how to do anymore because of technology,

such butchering animals, dairy making, candle and soap making,
canning and preserving foods, basket-weaving etc.

So, an FDA official secretly informs you that there will be a massive
scale food shortage in the US, and that the national announcement will
be made in ONE YEAR. What do you do?

Please, go into detail. I will post my response shortly....


Well-Known Member
Well, here is my plan. Its not so thought out, but I would like to:

Inform my family and neighbors of the news.

Convert our extra acre of land into a successful vegetable garden.
Invest in dairy goats and hens.
learn to can and preserve food.

Form an alliance with my neighbors so we can work together rather
than steal from each other.

Build a stealth root cellar.
Buy gardening book indigenous to my area.
Buy books that teach skills such as soapmaking, butchering animals, etc. (Back to Basics or Country Living are the books I have my eye on)

Catch rabbits and start a rabbitry for my dogs for when
dog food becomes unavailable.

Start an orchard. (I know fruit trees take a few years to start producing)

And most importantly, all of these things cannot be mine unless I can
protect them, so I would invest in guns and ammo. I'd rather
have a crossbow. :wink:

If I think of anything else, I will put it here.