And YOU Voted For......??


Well-Known Member
Obama...hmmm i don't think he's really the one who is going to decriminalize marijuana, Ron Paul wants to stop the "War on Drugs" , thats who I wrote in.


Junior Creatologist
Obama...hmmm i don't think he's really the one who is going to decriminalize marijuana, Ron Paul wants to stop the "War on Drugs" , thats who I wrote in.

Unfortunately, the war on drugs is never going to end. When Nixon came up with the idea, all it is is a farce - in order to have some type of front, so they can justify spending billions of dollars a year in taxpayers money. Its an Unwinnable war, period end. If you take down one crackhouse, two more pop up in its place, kinda like topping a plant, lol. The fact that its an unwinnable battle is the same reason that the battle will never end. People will always want safer streets, drug free environments, and criminals in jail. and as long as thats what politicians are offering to do for our country, then people like Ron Paul will never win an election.

Now, on the other hand, going after a SPECIFIC drug, like cannabis, and trying to prove how harmless it is, and in fact prove that its uses are BENEFICIAL, is a more realistic goal for a president or congressman to achieve. Ralph Nader has a better chance of winning an election than Ron Paul does, sorry to say. Because of him running term after term after term, and NORML doing their part with the green party to make people aware, and every single activist writing into congress day after day tirelessly, It has caused people to take a second look at pot. The persistance of everyone as a whole coming together and essentially Annoying the everloving shit out of our gov't has definitely made people turn around and rethink the pot situation, and over the last 30 years have been able to turn around the train of thought of now 13 states in reguards to cannabis. If we had somebody in the white house whos agenda is NOT solely about legalizing pot or decriminalizing drugs in general, but does have this issue in their mind, the senate would be more obliged to listen to what they had to say.

Rather than having somebody like Ralph Nader or Ron Paul in office, who are well known for wanting to reform drug laws, and have made it a strong point in their campaigning, and have went all across the country addressing this issue willingly, thinking that theyre going to win more people over if theyre more upfront about it, Having somebody like Obama in office, whos agenda is more focused on the economy, and other things that the ENTIRE nation can get behind and want change in aswell, would benefit us even more. Why? because he also has decriminalization on his agenda, its just flying "under the radar". The majority of our nation can get behind Obama, and know that he has their concerns in mind, and intends on taking care of them, but at the same time, He has addressed his intent on what he wants to do in regards to pot, but he hasnt done it over, and over, and over again, to where hes pigeonholed himself into becoming " That guy whos running for president who wants to decriminalize pot". Once a nominee takes on that persona, hell never be able to shake it loose from himself, and hell lose the majority vote, no matter how much of a hero he comes off as to the counter culture.

The mainstream outnumbers the counter culture tenfold as far as the voting public goes. We could never have a candidate win an election who is championing his desire to make pot laws disappear to the public over and over and over. He has to be able to state his intent one time and make it known, but at the same time the people have to be able to forget about it completely afterward, and be able to focus completely on the other issues he intends on fixing. This is why Obama is an ideal candidate, and his winning will bring a new age of america becoming friendly and more farmiliar with marijuana. Just you guys wait and see. ESPECIALLY now that we have the majority in Congress too - its not a Fillibuster, but its close enough. We have the voting majority in congress (liberal/democrat). As soon as the bill gets put forth in congress, it will be passed. Wait n see. :D


Junior Creatologist
my family represented me during the vote man. I had 5 other people voting for Obama in my family, so its just as good as if i had voted myself. I wish theyd change the fuckin laws about felons man, its bullshit.


Junior Creatologist
Not going to happen......
Thats not nessecarily true either man... It all depends on just how much he wants to change the nation. Look at all the other presidential assassinations in the past. They were all Ku-De-Ta's performed on people who had visionary intentions for changing the United states for the better. Seems that anytime that somebody comes close to making the world a better place in a SERIOUS manner (No offense to everyone trying to "go green", or trying to do any other types of passive attempts to fix the world) that would actually affect the way that people lived, they get taken out.

Obama would be no different if he were to make drastic changes man. Even though we have our first black president, the gov't is still the gov't, and THEY are the ones who run the country, not the president IMO. Of course, im not hoping this happens -- im happy with our new prez, and i cant wait to see what hes got in store for us. Hopefully another STIMULUS tax refund man - i actually read that he plans on doing that again, set for may of 2009 - which would be fuckin awesome. Would be an awesome start to his presidency by makin it rain ;)


Well-Known Member
I don't know if I would agree with the assessment that those presidents who were assassinated met such a fate because they had such visionary intentions.

Lincoln still has the dubious honor of being the president who oversaw the bloodiest war in all of U.S. history (though, who knows, maybe Bush was going for something similar, but Iraq and Afghanistan haven't touched the CW in terms of numbers). Kennedy not only pulled the Bay of Pigs fiasco, but got us into Vietnam. Playing with mafia didn't help him much, either, playing fast and loose. Garfield and McKinley I admittedly know little about, so can't speak to whether or not they were visionaries of their time.


Well-Known Member
Did anyone seriously vote?? The reason i ask is, because even as a community of anti-establishment liberal pot smokers, we still have a responsibility to ourselves to make sure that shit doesnt get any worse for us in the white house, and on Capitol Hill. Even if we completely disagree with the way that our gov't fucks us over, we still have to take action in order to change anything. Nothing gets done if everyone decides to stay off the grid and just doesnt vote. If we dont, then u know who wins?? John McCains of the world, or George Bushes of the world. Hell, if every pot head voted, Ralphie Nader would probably have a fuckin fighting chance of getting his happy ass into the White house for once instead of just running every 4 years, and getting a half of a percent of the American vote.

What were workin towards here is a more liberal America, that doesnt come down on harmless people like us for growing and smoking (and possibly selling occasionally) a harmless plant, and throw non violent drug offenders in jail. If we dont put in work for ourselves, then were never gonna be able to get shit changed in our favor. I mean, to be honest i personally think that we should completely dismantle our entire Gov't structure and rebuild it from the ground up, but because there arent enough people who give a fuck about changing shit for the better, that will never happen, and well always have big brother tryin to stroke us for everything we hold dear in our lives - namely, our Privacy.

bah- politics is just depressing. We got lucky this time with a liberal Dem like Obama in office, but what happens next time when Adolf Hitler Reincarnate, and Joseph Stalin the 3rd are running for pres head to head, n then in the background theres lil Ralph Nader. If we didnt vote, wed be fucked. I just hope that everyone who is old enough and eligible to vote voted. My entire family went in and voted together, yet i was unable to, even though i tried, because i got a fuckin F on my record, so they denied me at the booths, but i wish i could have put in my sayso man. If your able to, Dont waste your voice next election. Make your presence in the country fuckin count for somethin. If you feel so strongly about Cannabis Reform, you have to Vote for Cannabis Reform. THATS how laws get changed.
Could you help me understand what it means to be anti establishment and liberal? Because Lib's are for nothing but the generation of additional establishment to help those who are to lazy to help themselves. Anti establishment would more closely describe a libertarian or something. Just not clear how you could be both a Dem and anti establishment, kinda is an oxymoron statement.

That being said I am not anti establishment, I do believe people should obey laws, we just need some reform on the controlled substance end, i dont think the government should have any say in any of it, Where in the constitution did it talk about making anything illegal, its just because they currently dont have a way of taxing it, kinda like alcohol during prohibition, once they got Al Capone and allot of the bootleggers under control and coors got licensed, they cut thast shit out.