Animal Saviours Petition - Please sign


Well-Known Member
Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to lessen the importance of helping our fellow humans, I just have a soft spot for our four legged friends. beliefs lead me to believe animals have souls and feelings and I feel they have just as much a right to life as we do.... not everyone feels the same as I do and I can respect that.

that conversation/debate should be had over a :joint:...or three.....on another day. :) Not trying to jack the tread....


Well-Known Member
Feeding people and animal abuse are not one and the same.
Animals do not need to be abused to feed hungry children.
Do not lose or focus your obvious compassion onto only one life form but project it onto all life forms.

Respect nature or become just another bully.
A bully is someone that takes advantage of a lesser or smaller being for whatever reason,this is where the seed of all abuse stems from.
If you don't we run the risk of becoming nothing more than.............:idea: