Another ? about Cloning


From what I've read I need lights for my cloning machine, but I haven't read anything about what type of light works the best. I wanna stay as cheap as I can but use the best lights I can. What should I use?


Well-Known Member
1 65w CFL bulb, or a 24" T5 fixture with the 21" bulbs. I think they're 14w a piece.

the T5 thing will cost you a little more, but will probably last longer and cost you less in the long run. So, you're looking at around 17 bucks for the 65w bulb, and maybe 7 for the fixture it needs, or 25 bucks for the T5 fixture, and 5 bucks a pop for the bulbs.

both good choices


Well-Known Member
I use cfls of a mixed spectrum, remember your plants don't need to photosynth to much during cloning or they might end up using their stores and kill themselves. Use whatever light you want and once roots form and growth reoccurs plant and switch.

I think schedule is more important than the quality and intensity of light as well.