Another Closet Grower


Hey just wanted to share My grow - Currently i'm 45 days from seed after 30 days i went to flowering which are the pics im about to show - first i'll show them after 1 1/2 weeks from seed then the current pics which I started in the early part of april. My last grew turned out horrible i vegged for 5 months and flowered for 2 and they never looked stable. after pulling them i found some kind of mites or something so i bought new soil and treated the old soil and after a few days of not seeing these little specs jumping around i went ahead and started these ... I ordered these from a site on the internet I ordered 7 female white widows and was given several seeds of northern lights. Though they are not labeled for obvious reasons I have no idea which are which. But i do know the first set of leaves always came out with 3 points on all the these plants instead of the normal 5-7 points ...(i still have 6 seeds left not planted) I was thinking of trying jacks classic blossom i read from another post right now im about 2 weeks into flowering



what looks good is the bud in your profile pic!!! lol was hoping for something that sweet looking dont know as these buds are looking yellowish/greenish we'll see in the next couple of weeks.....My next grow was going to try the poormans aero garden(youtube for video ebay to buy) seeing how i have very limited space in a apartment and dont think i could afford a good aero garden that might be my next step towards hydro - trying to steer away from soil as i think the dro will be more rewarding then the soil even though they are premo plants...dunno all i go off of is speculation


Oh i'm using a 400w HPS light to grow these 5 plants from veg to flower is this ok?? I know many people seem to use MH lights for veg and HPS for flower but i've used hps the whole time....


Active Member
I just switched outta hydro into readygro ther moisture formula. This shit is hydro but just like soil as well its the closest to it i think. The pic in my profile is my first harvest in this soilless mixture. I also used botancare's nutes and other stuff they have. Pretty simple really. You just have to read the feed chart they have online thats my method. Everyone is different tho. Im personally not too interested in running any type of resovoir that you have to constantly have to aerate..hope i spelled that But some swear by it. If you dont have all day to grow weed than i would suggest a soiless medium or soil. As far as lighting the 400w hps will be fine. Thats what i started with. The color of your plants look fine to me its natural for the plant to turn more of a yellowish color when flowering. Doesnt really look like a def. Every strain is different.
what looks good is the bud in your profile pic!!! lol was hoping for something that sweet looking dont know as these buds are looking yellowish/greenish we'll see in the next couple of weeks.....My next grow was going to try the poormans aero garden(youtube for video ebay to buy) seeing how i have very limited space in a apartment and dont think i could afford a good aero garden that might be my next step towards hydro - trying to steer away from soil as i think the dro will be more rewarding then the soil even though they are premo plants...dunno all i go off of is speculation


what is this readygro you speak of lol !!! judging by the pic seems to work would i find it??Also does anyone know if this looks like White widow or northern lights??? I've searched a lot of pictures trying to determine but everything I find is either a couple weeks after seed or at the end of flowering!!! Also it doesnt have a strong odor as i would expect and neither did the last grow i attempted (last grow was just some mids from local guys nothing to write home to momma about ) - slight odor nothing that smacks you in the face like WHOA when you open the door..... Also how long should flowering take??? i'm a little less then 2 weeks right now in flowering i was thinking 1 1/2 - 2 months yes or no???


Also i notice a couple of the original leaves at the bottom of plant are starting to fade to yellow not starting at the edges almost like the whole leaf is fading I'll take a pic if needed i was thinking this was because they are almost hidden by all the other leafs , so I try to turn the plants under the light to allow some light to get there ....will let you know if that helps...i'm no expert but you know as well as I do in the beginning its all a big learning experience. All other leaves are green and no complaints but a couple of the plants are showing this on 1 or 2 leafs at the very bottom


wow 75 views and only one guy replies wtf kinda jewish ish is that lol anyways went and got a ph tester today and a tub of jacks classic blossom i went to 3 places and ended up having to buy the walmart one for pools the lowest reading is 6.8 which sucks because i cant get a definite 6.2-6.5 but seems ok and my water tested just a little lighter than the 6.8 color so i guess i'm in the clear added 1/2 teaspoon of jacks classic for 2 gallons (it says use 1/4 teaspoon per gallon every feed , ior 1/2 teaspoon per gallon every 2 weeks )I use a 2 gallon home watering container --------------- but in other news lol the military has found use for dolphins and sealions the dolphins detect underwater bombs and explosives and alert authorities and the sea lions look for terrorist divers that swim under the water and attach bombs to the bottom of ships - the sea lion sneaks up behind the diver with a clamp in its mouth and then attaches it to the terrorist divers leg . then alerts authorities at which time the diver is restrained the sailors can pull the terrorist up from the water ... WTF were these guys smoking when they thought of this!!!!


ok i previously thought i had a few hermies but doing a little research i'm not so sure...what I thought was seed sacks may have been new growth because this "seed" had 2 pistols coming out of it and was slightly open - none the less i chopped off most of what i thought was a seed here and there (yes just a single one here and there) so I dont think they were seeds but new growth or new flowers but i chopped them off before researching....Its those impulses that fuck us up we think something drastic and act without thinking or do the first thing that comes to mind instead of examining whats really on the plate.... . there were no "clusters" of seeds as I previously experienced in my last grow as i said it looked like a pod was forming and it was just 1 in couple of areas and had pistols coming out of it - this is the reason i assumed automatically that it was a hermie and never considered it could be new growth flowers...It wasnt until i googled hermie mj that i found pics of what new growth starts out and looks like maybe all is good ...I guess the next few days will tell the truth.


lol yo i like the setup... ill keep up with it if no one else will. looks good. would like to see more pics.. i got somethin close to this closet.


Well i'm 3 weeks into flowering buds are not as big as Id like but hopefully in the next 30 they will really take off . I'm using Jacks Classic Blossom 10 - 30 - 20 i think it is you can see the pic in the bottom. No seed sacks at all so I'm sure these are sexy ladies and not hermies that try to look sexy lol..I cant wait so tired of paying 60 for 1/2 of some mexican brown its funny it seems like the mids are getting worse and the price goes up..I'm hoping for a decent yield . Buds dont look frosty yet the buds that look extremely white in the pics are when the flash is on the camera I also took pics without the flash to show you the true color....A couple of the plants the very bottom fan leaves on a couple plants are fading from dark green to a lighter green / yellowish not yellow as in dead and crispy ...I've moved the plants around about 1x a week as to try to keep them well lighted I have several HPS systems but i'm only using 1 400w ( have about 4 400w and maybe 1 or 2 1000 mH) I've never used the MHs as these HPS seem to work great for both veg and flower . It sucks that I dont know how to build a aeroponic system as I have just about everything I need - pumps airstones buckets I attached 2 pics at the bottom to show you the stuff I have...(I was asked to store it all for a friend and was okd to use whatever I wanted) none of that is in use for this setup other than 1 400w Hps light. Used Bag soil from walmart or lowes i forget which but it worked great the plants got super tall in 1 month from seed. Also in that 30 days of veg I used ColorBurst Plant Food Packs 24-8-16 It recommends 1 pack per gallon of water so i used 1 pack in 2 gallons 2x during Veg - Then i used plain water for the 1st week maybe week and a half of flowering then went to Jacks Classic Blossom at half a tspoon for 2 gallons every feed or 1/2 tablespoon every 2 weeks (I chose to to 1/2 tspoon for 2 gallons every 2 weeks because i figure less = more and its seems safer lol ) Maybe the color burst plant food i used in veg made these bitches that dark green I dunno really. Is anyone even following this or am I posting for a lost cause???



of all 175 ppl who looked at this noone comments other than 2 people. Come on people wtf I made this post to help educate people and so i could be further educated . I think i'm doing pretty damn good this go round to bad i dont have much support but A big thanks for those who have commented! Is this place that dead? Maybe should delete the post and go to another forum not very welcoming here....(Other than the 2 cool ppl who did welcome me ) I thought we were all stoners here not douchbag republican jews


Anyways if ANYONE does decide to answer or comment is there any reason why in picture 1 the bottom leaves turn that greenish/yellow as opposed to the other leaves which are super dark green????