Another friendship bites the dust


Well-Known Member
So I would like to share my story from the past weekend. I traveled to a wedding to support my friend of 12 years as he was the best man for our other friends wedding we were attending. Afterwards my friend asked if he could spend a few days to visit before he traveled back down south to his home. I said sure no problem and let him crash at my place from mon-weds. He knows I grow as we used to grow together before he ran off with his girlfriend down south who is anti anything pot. I had the day off monday so we got to chill out and let him try out some of my newer strains. On tues I left out 2 jars of some hash queen and purps(roughly 5g in each) and told him that if he wanted to smoke while I was at work to help himself to what I left out and had stashed my bigger mason jars in my hiding spot. I never showed him my bigger containers or mentioned what I had in total. Before he arrived I weighed everything out, 23g for the one and 22g for the other which were Northern Lights from my last harvest.

Tues night he asked me if I could bust him off an 1/8th and he would give me $50 for it. I said sure no problem and laid him out a bag of purps/queen at a little over a quarter (8g to be precise.) More than double what he asked for because I figured hell, I'll hook a friend up. So weds early afternoon he left and gave me a call thurs morning when he arrived home thanking me for the hospitality and the smoke. Later that night I pulled my stash jars out to sample some northern and when I looked down in it I could already tell it was not right. Weighed it out and one was 16.2g and the other was 14.8g. So he went raiding through my house and found my stash jars and helped himself to a 1/2 oz.

I just don't understand this. Are people really this fucked up? Is 1/2 oz of green worth a 12 yr friendship? What kinda balls does it take to do that and then call someone up thanking them knowing you stole shit from them. Did he think I wouldn't notice? Why wouldn't you just take the whole damn thing? I guess that's the biggest insult to me. It's almost like he is saying I'm so smart you will never notice.

I have yet to confront him nor do I know if there would be any point to this. That's my story and the moral is: aren't people just fucking awesome? :finger:


Well-Known Member
I used to have a friend that whenever he'd stay over I'd have money randomly go missing.

I never confronted him on it, happened about 14 times until I unintentionally caught him. I always like to think the best of my friends and give the benefit of the doubt, so far some times where people accuse me of ignoring the obvious, but when it happens right in front of my face, that's where I draw the line. Some people have no respect. Sad thing is, if he asked for the money because he needed it, I would have given, not lent it to him every.single.time.

A shame people have no decency when it matters most. Poor creatures we are.


Active Member
That really does blow man.. you're gonna have to call him out on it and get your money or have him return the stolen product. Prolly better to just get the money and cut the guy loose for good. But don't give him the idea that you're seriously pissed before you get the money from him, once he pays, let him have it with a verbal beat down! I hate theifen punks.
Good luck


Well-Known Member
You have to make it known that you know. And you have to tell all mutual friends what happened so that everyone knows he is a thief.

Well-Known Member
Mate, i would just take it on the chin, it cost you 1/2 oz to find out that you cant trust the prick. Not much else you can do given the fact
he knows you grow/where you live.

I know it sux man, Karma will bite that SOB in the arse.

Cheers, Kev.


Well-Known Member
i agree with kev. definitely make it kown that you dont trust him and he is no longer welcome in your home. next time you might be outta bud but who is too say he wont help himself to something else.


Well-Known Member
oh shit I FUCKED UP THAT WAS POST 420 AN I MISSED IT. oh no well im takin the traditional late guy 421 toke an post!!! :)