Another New England Outdoor Grow


Well-Known Member
Hey there,

I ordered some of the Early Girl strain for my outdoor grow this summer 2012, i figure this is a good strain because its a early finisher Indica and its smaller/hidden better.

Ive grown in the past but to close to the street and near a trail that people walked, i now am older and wiser and ready to actually obtain a harvest!

Most importantly i don't want to go to jail over a plant.

I want to start my plants indoors inside a room in my house that is heavily windowed and stays very warm in the spring/summer!
After 2/3 weeks of vegging i will scatter them in the woods where they will sit in the chicken manure/soil mixture holes scattered about.
I don't want to put any fencing because of the helicopters and such, so i will be using hair piss sticks mothballs soap but from experience the worst pests are insects/humans

I am confident i can make it to harvest this time, and that is the goal.
any words of encouragement would help, im still waiting for my seeds to arrive and its like 3 months from planting..bummer

also i sent in an an envelope with cash as a my method of payment to the UK, How long will that puppy take to get to the East Coast?


Well-Known Member
who did you order seeds from? i sent a money order to the uk, and it took 8 buisness days from vancouver. they just recieved it 2 days ago so dont know how long back from there.


Well-Known Member
wow 8 days just to get there, im in Connecticut and i ordered from gypsy nirvana, its been a week. i just sent in a envelope with cash lol.

Team Dank

i will be growing Early Girl outdoors as well this summer. I would recommend 3 weeks of inside veg to allow the plants to become strong enough to survive the transplant.


Well-Known Member
oh wow nice to see other people growing Early Girl, i want to make a journal and keep you guys updated!
Ill post on this thread when i get them, ordering with cash in a envelope sucks, no way to track it no proof you payed..


Well-Known Member
after looking at google images of Early Girl...its looks like some shitty bud, some outdoor leafy not that impressive one hour high stuff. but im still amped to get my first harvest none the less! aged chicken shit with fish emulsion here i come!

arik maso

Active Member
early girl will actually get big under the right conditions. be cautious about using too much chicken manure it could burn your young plants.

piney bob

Active Member
As stated above watch the poo, Though i assume from your screen name that you know your way around some chicken shit. haha. I'd go for 3-4 weeks before you put them in the ground if you are not protecting them at all. the critters love to eat ganj.


Well-Known Member
ive read some very bad stuff about gypsy nirvana ...lets jus say they burn people constantly. please pm me to let me know if u ever get ur seeds. and plz let everyone else know as well. they have a few killer strains, but i read about 100+ very bad reviews of how they straight up scam people blatantly. there a few that did receive there goods sent cash like u did, but then also some people who sent cash and still got burned. always check reviews from people in the U.S. always!


Well-Known Member
gypsy is a bad character to deal with, i wish you hadn't sent him cash. most likely you will get your seeds but in the future don't send cash. it is easy to get a money order or buy a pre-paid debit.
that said i have seen some decent early girl plants in the past. every company has an early girl with a differant name attached to it.
if you are planning on starting them in windows that is a poor idea. they will most likely get long and stringy between nodes. if you can buy some cheap floros or even some compact floros. mix warm and cools to get a decent spectrum. and keep them about a half inch from the bulbs. with 4'-8' shop floros they can even touch without getting burnt. also have a fan ocilating on them at all times. keep the lights on 24/7 untill you are ready to put out doors.
remember big holes and good sun = big plants. so dig big holes. any manure you use should e composted for a year or two (even longer) to avoid getting nitrogen burn. mix it well with whatever soil you are growing them in. don't try to grow in just manure. if you have a few plants together i wouldn't worry about helicopters, but i don't know your area like you do. a fence with fishing line and sticks from trees works well for all but the most determined of animals. mice will eat the soft outer layer of your plants as well. something to think of. but yes pissing near them, irish spring soap (cut up) , dog hair, neem oil for insects all work well for starters.
when special problems arise deal with acordingly it is hard to deal with everything in advance. problems always arise.
if i were you i would purchase another type of seed stock just to have some variety and in case one doesn't develope to well you have fall back plan. good luck, keep reading and asking the good folks here questions it is the best way to learn. cheers.


Well-Known Member
hey guys, hows every ones spring fever doing, i know im burning up to grow some stuff, not just mj, but my tomatoes and my second year grape vines too. Ive dealt with gypsey twice now, and he takes forever to get back to you if at all i agree, but at least ive gotten my seeds. Heres the thing about my growing on a windowsill. Its not just a rinky dinky window its room in my house thats just all windows on the southern side of my house, ive never really tried to grow anything in there so im curious if it will do the trick for me. Im gonna just start them off in there come april 20th with my tomatoes and bring them outside to aclimate them so im thinking minor stretching if any at all, but well see :) i also think i have a advantage from this years warmer weather/head start if you will. i would probably throw a fan in there too like you mentioned. Buying more seeds is scary ill probably wait till next year to buy more, don't wanna get in over my head.

As for the outdoor part, thats so shady and still just bothers the hell out of me.
i do know i will be growing them off my property,
some in pots, some in pre made holes with "super soil" added.
and i will do all visits at night.


Well-Known Member
not knowing much about where you are i would say to relax a bit. i usually take care of buisiness when it is rainy or early morning where i am at. it cuts down chances of seeing anyone. going at night you won't see much and flashlights can be seen from miles. just wear earth tones and be relaxed an aware of your environment. you will get in tune after awile and you will instinctivly know if something is wrong.
the thing with your windows is you will be cheating yourself out of lots of potential grow time. when vegging your plants if you can keep them under 24 h light they will grow 24 hours a day. untill it is time to put them out. so if posible maybe supplement the window time with lights at night? it will increase your size and chances of survival at least double. and keep that stretch we hate so much down.
and as far as planting the bigger the hole the bigger the plant, don't crowd them keep far enough apart.


Well-Known Member
interesting yeah..i really really don't want leggy plants. What if i just kepts the lights on in the room and put some other florescent bulbs near it, like the desk lamp kind.


Well-Known Member
with floros they are so weak it is nessesary to keep the tops as close as possible. shop lights can even touch the tops without having problems. a few 4' double bulb lamps will cost about $12-15 each at home depot or wallmart and bulbs are not expensive either. they can be used over and over every year to start your seedlings. they are not good for anything other than getting your plants 6"-8" tall but they will do that just fine. without them i am afraid you will end up with 8" plants with 2 leaves on each one and you realy must avoid that.
even 2x 4' double fixtures will be enoughto set a dozen or 20 plants under for a months time. adjust each plant individually so they are all the same height from the lamp and put them in the sunny window when the sun is bright. you will have much higher succes rate doing this when it comes time to put them outdoors.


Well-Known Member
thanks you guys are great,
i ended up going to the hardware store and buying 6 of 50w 1600 lumens cool white CFL and of 3 Y splitters. ill have 2 bulbs for every square foot so 3200 lumens per square foot..
Will this mixed with the sunlight and the fan be enough to get me threw a couple weeks of veg until the great outdoors. ill prob put some white cardboard around the table and all the bulbs have reflectors.

set up looks like this
I I I <-- Y splitters 6 bulbs
^ ^ ^

UUUUUU<-- plastic cups


Well-Known Member
yes that will help considerably. get the tops as close as possible without them getting to hot. make sure to keep them under 24 hours light and if that is not possible do at least 18 hours daily with same schedule for when they turn on and off. but 24 is best.