Another One of Their Schemes


Well-Known Member
Wow, Alex Jones of all people accused someone else of injecting paranoia into our society.

Takes one to know one?


Well-Known Member
Yeh I know bush tried it too,both puppets of the NWO agenda.It won't be old news if they get their way.It will be another slamdunk in the NWO agenda,and a "fuckyou" where winning, too the American People.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Yeh I know bush tried it too,both puppets of the NWO agenda.It won't be old news if they get their way.It will be another slamdunk in the NWO agenda,and a "fuckyou" where winning, too the American People.
The sad thing is won't be news at all. Most people will have no idea it even happened.Look over there....


Well-Known Member
Most people have no idea that Pres Obama had a meeting with China's President Hu and told everyone that if China's currency were allowed to float and gain value it would be a good thing for Americans. I can surely tell you that such a thing would be a terrible for Us.


Well-Known Member
Most people have no idea that Pres Obama had a meeting with China's President Hu and told everyone that if China's currency were allowed to float and gain value it would be a good thing for Americans. I can surely tell you that such a thing would be a terrible for Us.
More BS from the NWO snakes.[YOUTUBE]i-wma8WicCw[/YOUTUBE]


Well-Known Member
Alex Jones gets me fired up and I am a fuckin Canadian LOL.....He does say some stupid shit during his rants but I can't help but wonder how much of what he is saying has truth to it....Or at least some truth to it.