Another 'so why do YOU smoke' thread.

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
I smoke because I like it...I like the feeling it gives me (mostly) and I like to trip/chill out to some nice music or something funny coz everythings crazy-psychological when your baked (like, you get a whole other experience whilst watching a film high from sober, and the train of thought is based around the film whilst you're not really paying attention to it...only instead of the trip changing with the film scenes it just carries on and your perception of whats going on becomes much more interesting/funny-confusing...if that makes sense...)


Man the art of relaxation that exudes from a good sess of weed is uncomparable. been doing some pretty stressful activities recently with work and its the best way for me to feel grounded again... also, the opening of creative potency is really been an invisible benefit on the side. love it!! i would love to hear about anyone elses experiences with creative openess through weed!?


Active Member
What up everyone new to this bomb site! just wanna say hi:D and i smoke so every day life doesnt devour my soul:P and dubstep and drum n bass sound so good when your joasty.


hey elcochino! I'm new too :). this looks like an awesome community I'm stoked to be a part of it!!

but yeah, I also like smoking because like you said it passes time when there's nothing to do.... super fun activity lol


Active Member
there are many reasons, but ill go with: makes people easier to be around. 2, it stimulates the muse aspect of my creativity.


Active Member
lol well thats somethingg if youre just doing it as an activity itself...
i try to avoid that, because no offense, but the people i know who do that are BORING people. just sitting around smoking dope all day not doing shit.
me, i blaze randomly throughout the day, depending what im doing and who im with. i dont make a big deal outta it, its just an addition to what im doing (whether thats work, school, hangin out) people often dont know im high ha.

but occationaly sit around and just get blitzed till i fall asleep hahahah
good times guys, good times.


Active Member
1) Makes me more creative ("Im only creative when im high smoker") - writing, drawing, playing the piano...these things are all more enjoyable and my creative side is more easily accessable when im high.

2) Makes everyday things more enjoyable ("Enhancement Smoker") - food, sex, music, tv, video games, parties, family events...shit I don't think I can think of one activity that I don't enjoy more after a blunt.

3) I LOVE weed ("Straight Up Pothead") - I am obsessed with weed lol. I love growing it, smoking it, looking at it, smelling it, touching it, I love everything about it. Sometimes I just get baked and walk around my crop tripping. Weed is important to me :)


i dont think there is a better way to hang out with a great bunch of mates and release all the accumulated BS stress we pick up during thr day. LOVE IT!!! And a midnight snack aint bad either ;o)