Another white guy gun massacre.


Well-Known Member
How exactly are you a victim of systematic racial discrimination? You are getting the minority experience because I called you gringo?

It appears the whites are at it again.
Nice try bud. But, I didn't say "racial discrimination". You did.

I said hate and racism. Stop trying to troll me for satirically pointing out the irony in the "eye for an eye" motto when it comes to race in this thread.

I get that you're trying to troll white people into being upset for you doing what they've done. But hate is hate no matter who you direct it at or who it's from.


Well-Known Member
But you think you've been the victim of systematic racial discrimination. You poor persecuted gringo. It must be so hard. Poor honky...

You are obvobviously way too intellectually gifted for me to get anywhere with my point. I can't expect to communicate on your level.


Well-Known Member
a derogatory term for a Caucasian person.

there are three main theories for the origin of the word:

1. the word originated from the practice of white males wishing to hire African-American prostitutes in the 1920's, and going to the appropriate part of town while honking their car horns to attract the whores. Some versions state that the reason for this was that the white men were too afraid to actually stop in those neighborhoods, so the honking would bring the hookers to them.

Others say that since few African-Americans could afford cars back in that time, the honking signaled a higher-paying white client and would quickly gain the prostitutes' attention. "


Well-Known Member
I was talking about the thread, not about being called gringo. Carry on with your hatefulness, it's obviously serving you well on these boards. You're a star!