Anti government in the politics section


Well-Known Member
As far as private property, you're perfectly welcome to do exactly that.

As far as public property, you are not.

That has been answered about 8 times already and you constantly ignore it. And no, your business is NOT private property. It's public property. It becomes public property subject to public law the instant you apply for a business license and are granted that license.

If you want to be the racist, redneck idiot you are, then stay in your house with the wheels on it and don't venture into public.

If you venture into the public domain, you'll have to deal with everybody regardless of your racism.

It's that simple.


Well-Known Member
Look up share cropping in the South around those times and you'll learn why so many blacks in the south voted for democrats. I'll give you a hint, it has to do with coercion and breaking white farmers with smaller farms. Imagine that.
How is that a good thing? To be forced out of your home and business because a bunch of hateful white power billies hate black folks? Your logic is shit.


Well-Known Member
You know, it is easy for people like Rob to blurt out stupid shit like, "is it right to use force to make people do business with each other" because their families have never been through the shit.

As I said my grandfather was a businessman who had no problem serving any customer black or white but was himself forced into a white supremacy group and forced not to serve black folks.

That is why the big bad scary government waved its wand and poof "forced poor self content white business owners to open stores and serve black folks."

Besides, name one of your white family members that were refused service at a cafe and then followed outside to receive an ass whooping? I'm guessing zero...


Well-Known Member
Look up share cropping in the South around those times and you'll learn why so many blacks in the south voted for democrats. I'll give you a hint, it has to do with coercion and breaking white farmers with smaller farms. Imagine that.
I'm aware of what the New Deal was and what it meant to lots of folks.

My family were sharecroppers at first, I don't need to look it up. They managed to purchase mules and plows ect even some land eventually. It was very rough though. Read the book "tobacco road". The fact they were growing cotton there was a fucking tragic. Ever been to Augusta? Plenty of tobacco growing there.


Well-Known Member
As far as private property, you're perfectly welcome to do exactly that.

As far as public property, you are not.

That has been answered about 8 times already and you constantly ignore it. And no, your business is NOT private property. It's public property. It becomes public property subject to public law the instant you apply for a business license and are granted that license.

If you want to be the racist, redneck idiot you are, then stay in your house with the wheels on it and don't venture into public.

If you venture into the public domain, you'll have to deal with everybody regardless of your racism.

It's that simple.


Well-Known Member
I've seen a lot of Trump supporters popping off at the mouth about how Democrats were the political party of the slave holding South. Then I would wipe their little bit of smug arrogance by informing them that yes it was the Democratic Party but the parties flip flopped around the civil rights era. Education is the key.
Exactly. Conservatives embrace racism and liberals do not, irrespective of party affiliation. Political parties can shift and change over long periods of time. The concepts of conservatism and liberalism do not. Closet racists are such cowards. They love their idiotic little talking points, though.


Well-Known Member
I'm aware of what the New Deal was and what it meant to lots of folks.

My family were sharecroppers at first, I don't need to look it up. They managed to purchase mules and plows ect even some land eventually. It was very rough though. Read the book "tobacco road". The fact they were growing cotton there was a fucking tragic. Ever been to Augusta? Plenty of tobacco growing there.
The cotton weevil had something to do with that tragedy.


Well-Known Member
I see you were talking about events from said book. I was referring to the collapse of the cotton industry in the early 20th century. I'll check out that book Tobacco road.
Ah, I see now what you meant. Hey dude or dudette thanks for sharing about your grandpa that takes guts. I was curious if the klan extorted money from him for "protection" like ya know "the mob" or whatever. You might like that book, I think if really illustrates that poor was poor, no matter your race in the south around that time.