Anti-Green girlfriend...

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
I mean, I guess you have to ask yourself what do you love more.

This chick or the weed.

Well, which is it?


Well-Known Member
find a chick that loves weed.. then u,her,and mary jane can all have threesome!!!!!!!!! Im havin one as i type biotch lol !!!!!!!

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
When I hooked up with my wife a long time ago I told her str8 up, I smoke weed and that' not gonna change. If you you ever make me choose between you it than your gonna be watchin me hit the road. Besides I've been w/ Mary a lot longer than her. She should accept you for who you are and what you do instead of trying to guilt trip you into not smoking. If you enjoy doing it than do it, just be honest and tell her you enjoy it and it's part of who you are.
I think T.I. said it best :
Say you wanna kick it when I aint so high
girl it's obvious that I aint yo guy


Well-Known Member
Trust me this time its the weed next time it will be something different she sounds ultra high maintenance. Get yourself a down to earth girl that is capable of true unconditional love. Most of these gorgeous things with all the designer clothes and shit are incapable of true unconditional love and so self centered they can only change a light bulb by standing still and holding the bulb while waiting for the world to revolve around them. Yup had me one of them for a first wife and it was not pleasant. She has calmed down some over the years but is still and will always be high maintenance. It takes more effort on my part to keep her relatively happy than it does to keep my current wife happy. The only reason I even put forth the effort with her is because we still have 2 kids under 18 together and it is what it is. So be afraid young man be very afraid.

Hidden Door

i can see your mate bitching if all you are doing is laying up not taking care of business and your only goal in life is finding the next bowl full. but if you are a responsible smoker, you need to find a new mate. 4 months is not a relationship imo.


Well-Known Member
no, don't find a chick who loves weed, then you have to share your stash... or is it my only child self speaking here?


Active Member
Trust me this time its the weed next time it will be something different she sounds ultra high maintenance. Get yourself a down to earth girl that is capable of true unconditional love..

canuckgrow said it all right there. if you let her take control of you on this one... then she's gonna know she can make u do what she wants.... or don't do what she doesn't want. then if you go behind her back, you know to be yourself, then she's gonna make you the asshole.

she's just gotta know that you are your own person, and if that means you wanna smoke pot, then so be it. if she loves you, she'll come to some sort of compromise with you.


Well-Known Member
I dont see what all the debate is here. Drop her like an STD, it may take a week but you learned a lesson. I will never let a woman tell me what I can and cant do or put in my body. I lived under the rules of my parents household as a kid and I vowed to make all my own decisions when I grew up. Well I grew up and 14 years later I still live by that.