Any "Center" people here?

America right now reminds me of my aunt who can't get her life together. Other people, foreigners and a "just my luck" attitude. Why does America never blame itself when bad stuff happens? Its always someone else's fault.

STFU, canoodian!

You don't live here, you don't pay taxes here and you sure as fck don't vote here.

MYOB, fool
America right now reminds me of my aunt who can't get her life together. Other people, foreigners and a "just my luck" attitude. Why does America never blame itself when bad stuff happens? Its always someone else's fault.

Probably many reasons, but the hegemony of the U.S dollar has given the illusion that American people are exceptional, when in reality many are just beneficiaries of U.S. gunboat diplomacy.

The last couple of generations are spoiled and have enjoyed a higher standard of living by riding along with the dollar hegemony.

That bus is about to hit the last stop though...
Probably many reasons, but the hegemony of the U.S dollar has given the illusion that American people are exceptional, when in reality many are just beneficiaries of U.S. gunboat diplomacy.

The last couple of generations are spoiled and have enjoyed a higher standard of living by riding along with the dollar hegemony.

That bus is about to hit the last stop though...
And that was Montreal! A city in a province that wanted to separate from Canada!

To be fair though, the winning teams did have a lot of Canadian talent.

Did you watch the playoffs? Hedman was brilliant.
we go to cancun alot and i love talking hockey with the canadians at the resort. the quebecois are really independent: it's kinda amazing at how they see them as that first and canadian second.

but yeah, i watched pretty much the whole playoffs. i love hockey. good to see stamkos make it back on the ice for just one goal. i have to admit, the Stars surprised me. i thought it would be Vegas v Lightning in the finals. i'm a lifelong Flyers fan so it was nice to see us make it past the first round finally!!!
Any center people here who are sick of the far right and far left people? What is with this obsession with picking teams? Either you are a redneck, gun nut, racist or a woke, antifa, silencer.

Is there anyone here who is more middle aligned and sick of people forcing us to pick a side? Maybe the problems of this world are more complicated than a black and white answer.
As far as Im concerned, being anti fascist is being centrist. Sick and tired of this nonsense about the 'far left'. The far left is communism, that's not a thing in the current political or social conversation at all.
Makes me sad seeing Canadians getting pulled into this nonsense, must be a CPC Republican wannabe.
we go to cancun alot and i love talking hockey with the canadians at the resort. the quebecois are really independent: it's kinda amazing at how they see them as that first and canadian second.

but yeah, i watched pretty much the whole playoffs. i love hockey. good to see stamkos make it back on the ice for just one goal. i have to admit, the Stars surprised me. i thought it would be Vegas v Lightning in the finals. i'm a lifelong Flyers fan so it was nice to see us make it past the first round finally!!!

I thought it would be Vegas and Tampa Bay too. The playoffs are unpredictable. Look what happened with Tampa last year.

The Flyers were a great team in the late 70’s with Bobby Clarke as their captain. I was in high school then, seems like yesterday.

I’ve been a lifelong Leafs fan so, take pity on me.
People seem to be so worried about Russia. WTF about China. Nothing said last night in the Debate about either. I found this article a breath of fresh air and I know some of you don't worry about a Candidates experiencing Dementia but I've seen what it does. We need an able Candidate yesterday!
Does China have a bounty on US troops? Has Trump said anything about it? NO! The FBI and the professional intelligence community say Russia is attacking America, so are Trump and the republicans, using the same disinformation.
The Flyers were a great team in the late 70’s with Bobby Clarke as their captain
they had a decent run in the 80's too but not enough. seemed like they were always in the playoffs. their goaltending was never any good after Pelle Lindbergh died.

a good Leafs team would be good for hockey for sure.

as long as the Penguins lose, i'm happy. i hate cindy crosbaby (even though he's top 3 GOAT)